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Work Visa Candidates: Education, Training, and Library

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Upload PhotoElisha Oyugi
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Target Title: math teacher
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoSaeed Ahmed Khan
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Target Title: associate professor, assistant professor
Skills: Teaching, research, management;
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoMichael Mokolom
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Target Title: teacher, teacher

Upload PhotoIris Combis
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Target Title: Elementary Teacher, Library Assistant
Skills: MS Application;Colaboration/Team Player;Organizational Skil......
Work Authorization: None
Upload PhotoNatalie Campion
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Target Title: Entrepreurship, Innovation
Skills: innovation;knowledge transfer;Research commercialisation;en......

Upload PhotoLILY FRANK
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Target Title: Mrs
Skills: Effective student and classroom management;lesson plan;Diff......

Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Target Title: high school math teacher, middle school math teacher
Skills: Tutoring mathematics;Communication;Critical thinking;Classr......

Upload PhotoJenny Farias
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Target Title: spanish teacher, Photographer
Work Authorization: EAD

Upload PhotoMunazza Mahmood
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Target Title: Librarian, Assistant librarian

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