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Upload PhotoKevin Kilat
Target Title:
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoSimidreanu Cristian
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: Architecture and Engineering
Target Title: embedded software engineer, software engineer
Skills: Bootloader;Automotive;Analytical Skills;Static Analysis;C (......
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoAndrés Felipe
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: IT and Math
Target Title: Game Developer, Software Engineer
Skills: Game Development;Software Engineering;Unreal Engine;C#, C++......
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoEdem Zangbe
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Education, Training, and Library
Target Title: teacher, Project, Companies and Enterprises Management
Work Authorization: Others
Upload PhotoShahram shafieiyoun
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Architecture and Engineering
Target Title: Mechanical Engineer in thermal Power plant, Ratating machinary Operation and Maintenace Engineer
Skills: Gas turbine Operation and Maintenance;Thermal Performance t......
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoNileshkumar Prajapati
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: IT and Math
Target Title: ios developer, ios engineer
Skills: Xcode;iPhone;Objective C;IOS;Mobile Development;Cocoa Touch......
Work Authorization: H1B Visa

Upload PhotoMuhammad Salman Akram
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: Architecture and Engineering
Target Title: project manager, project engineer
Work Authorization: H1B Visa

Upload PhotoChilderic Joseph
Degree: Associate's Degree
Occupation: Community and Social services
Target Title: Security Officer
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoJean Ronel Fevrier
Degree: Professional Degree
Occupation: IT and Math
Target Title: web developer, web administrators
Skills: web developers;web administrators;
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoGustavo Adolfo Walters Valencia
Degree: Professional Degree
Occupation: Business and Finance
Target Title: economist, data analyst
Skills: Excel;Office;PowerBI;Python;R;SQL;
Work Authorization: None

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