Frisco, TX: 2025 H-1B Report by Work City

Top Employers, Frisco, TX Salaries, Job Opportunities & Sponsorship Trends

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

RankH1B Visa Sponsor(Employer)Number of LCA *Average Salary
1Hcl America216 $103,662
2Cognizant Technology Solutions63 $103,881
3Caprus It53 $100,464
4Namitus Technologies49 $95,126
5Qubitz Tech Sysytems44 $101,192
6Tmobile43 $136,273
7Equinix35 $148,818
8Oracle America34 $155,907
9Vibrant Infotech34 $102,170
10Devu Solutions33 $85,955
11Ernst & Young30 $168,804
12Fiori Technology Solutions29 $92,138
13Sage It28 $94,105
14Yerralpha27 $85,541
15Appodis24 $101,989
16Randstad Digital18 $130,854
17Adi Worldlink17 $128,545
18Probpm17 $91,289
19Uber Freight16 $151,760
20Transcend It Solutions16 $101,192
21Mind Tech16 $89,164
22Phygital2415 $97,738
23Mtx Group15 $91,272
24Xforia15 $87,070
25Advithri Technologies15 $76,731
26Capgemini14 $128,477
27Braven Technologies14 $94,417
28Optum Services13 $147,392
29Infosys13 $90,228
30Fiserv Solutions12 $140,524
31Cap Digisoft Solutions12 $109,167
32Tekleaders12 $94,917
33Thinklusive12 $82,469
34Eficens Systems11 $98,944
35Ibix Solutions11 $98,382
36Aspire It Solutions11 $95,023
37Quebec Solutions11 $90,546
38Hewlett Packard Enterprise10 $183,703
39Comerica Management10 $127,923
40Mphasis10 $124,378
41Datasoft10 $104,477
42Deloitte Consulting9 $163,149
43Fortune Minds9 $92,606
44Ikon Systems9 $82,056
45Salesforce8 $180,237
46Amazon.Com Services8 $151,646
47Hcl Global Systems8 $121,722
48Codebricks8 $101,346
49Sainar Solutions8 $101,196
50Jlan Usa Technologies8 $101,192
51Qcentrio Technologies8 $99,238
52Qubeway Consulting8 $91,871
53Mirai Solutions8 $90,811
54Coder Logics8 $85,585
55Webkorps8 $83,200
56Siri Data Analytics8 $82,504
57Staffworxs8 $80,799
58Virat Solutions8 $70,075
59Microsoft7 $160,088
60Humana7 $147,373
61Amazon Web Services7 $142,229
62Tata Consultancy Services7 $102,977
63Tricubic7 $102,534
64Tek Gigz7 $98,458
65N1 Solutions7 $92,313
66Deep Tech Pioneers7 $88,232
67Intensify Technologies7 $88,004
68Sinfralogix7 $82,225
69Parasmai Software Solutions7 $80,225
70Oportun6 $187,805
71Paycor6 $127,478
72Concentrix Cvg Customer Management Group6 $118,476
73Osi Digital6 $111,500
74Hindsight Software Solutions6 $107,571
75Rite Pros6 $106,288
76Adroitco6 $102,777
77Yuvi Systems6 $99,937
78Aifa Labs6 $88,833
79Vashek6 $86,650
80Beyondcareer6 $85,415
81Springshine Consulting6 $80,523
82V2c Solutions6 $77,000
83Pyramid Technology Solutions6 $75,629
84Gearbox Software6 $67,639
85Adobe5 $175,400
86Kforce5 $140,190
87Medtronic5 $138,894
88Drpepper Seven Up5 $133,076
89Genesis5 $130,183
90Harvey Nash5 $122,425
91Globallogic5 $116,788
92HCL America Solutions5 $111,504
93Infogain5 $105,779
94Aezion5 $102,582
95Digital Datum5 $101,080
96Neo Prism Solutions5 $91,608
97Satcon5 $89,711
98Ashatek5 $88,267
99Cohash5 $84,117
100Loyalty Juggernaut5 $83,200
101Flyhigh Staffing5 $82,056
102Texas Sparks Constructions5 $68,961
103Walmart4 $185,554
104Intel4 $162,291
105Government Employees Insurance4 $145,869
106Cdm Field Services4 $142,400
107Sliq Information Technologies4 $128,994
108Merkle4 $128,267
109Erp Analysts4 $120,380
110Hrk Solutions4 $112,736
111Red Hibbert Group4 $111,796
112Mastech Digital Technologies4 $111,627
113Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions4 $108,160
114Petabyte Technologies4 $107,401
115It Spin4 $106,650
116Dataquad4 $106,563
117Applabsystems4 $103,846
118Micasa Global4 $102,500
119Prodapt North America4 $102,156
120Vtech Infotech4 $101,193
121Innovative Intelligent Solutions4 $101,192
121S4cloud4 $101,192
121Synapsis4 $101,192
124Imr Soft4 $99,425
125Oakton Technologies4 $98,784
126Advanced Resource Staffing4 $98,394
127Wipro4 $97,523
128Prime Data Soft4 $97,261
129Lex Nimble Solutions4 $91,963
130Rising Sun Technologies4 $88,750
131Risamsoft4 $85,860
132Indarha4 $84,433
133Oneiroi Consulting Services4 $82,669
134Berm Tec4 $82,077
135Niftek4 $81,693
136Astrasys4 $81,000
137Infosmartsystems4 $80,000
138Infosoft4 $79,486
139Iprogram4 $79,250
140Maxsoft It4 $77,755
141Home Depot Management3 $169,707
142Merlyn Mind3 $166,667
143Amerisourcebergen Services3 $165,438
144Rategain Adara3 $160,831
145Populus Group3 $157,560
146Servicenow3 $153,195
147Social Finance3 $140,047
148IBM3 $139,678
149Ntt Data, Americas3 $138,178
150Qwest3 $134,667
151Avani Technology Solutions3 $130,000
152Concat Systems3 $129,833
153Epam Systems3 $126,000
154Computer Sciences3 $124,690
155Cotiviti3 $123,712
156Virtusa3 $120,885
157Denken Solutions3 $119,184
158Jb Hunt Transport3 $118,720
159Magtech Consulting And Solutions Development3 $117,450
160Deloitte Touche3 $116,605
161Neutronit3 $116,355
162MOURI Tech3 $115,667
163Accolite Digital3 $113,119
164Accelalpha3 $111,667
165Natsoft3 $110,760
166Compunnel Software Group3 $110,727
167Novisync3 $108,133
168Global Information Technology3 $107,897
169Agap Technologies3 $107,601
170Woodgrain3 $107,149
171Telecom Technology Services3 $106,617
172Apex Technology Systems3 $104,000
173Ayitc3 $102,995
174Synechron3 $102,461
175Orpine3 $102,027
176Webject Systems3 $101,497
177Career Soft Solutions3 $101,197
178Algebrait3 $101,195
179Blue Space Technologies3 $101,195
180Techgene Solutions3 $101,195
181Shretech3 $101,193
182Innovative Consulting Solutions3 $101,192
182Siri Infotec3 $101,192
184Zeyospace3 $99,391
185Universal Business Solutions3 $97,461
186Eyvatek3 $95,795
187Metrix It Solutions3 $94,813
188Mindsys3 $94,667
189Bi Galaxy Technologies3 $94,571
190Mapsitsolutions3 $93,679
191Tangent Services3 $91,733
192Virtual Realm Solutions3 $91,089
193Excelon Solutions3 $90,820
194Marlabs3 $89,100
195Primitive Partners3 $88,435
195Visam Technologies3 $88,435
197Staffbee Solutions3 $86,605
198Cloudvik3 $86,065
199Telecomgateway3 $85,044
200Harbor Hat3 $84,897

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

The above report lists the top 1 - 200 H1B Visa sponsors(frisco, tx) in fiscal year 2024). For Example, the first record on this report means that Hcl America filed 216 Labor Condition Applications(LCA) for H1B Visa in fiscal year 2024. The average salary of those job offerss is $103,662. The number and average salary are not for all H1B Visa jobs filed by Hcl America in fiscal year 2024. They are for frisco, tx jobs only.

The visa sponsors(employers) are sorted by the number of Labor Condition Application(LCA) submitted. The number includes new, renew and transfer of LCA.

If two employers have filed same number of visa petitions in the same year and same category, they are further sorted by the average salary in descending order.

The salary is the average salary of all proffered salary on LCA or Form 9035. Sometimes the visa sponsors(employers) does not enter a specific salary, but a salary range. Our algorithm uses the middle point of the range to calculate the average salary.

*: The number of LCA includes renewed, transferred and cap-exempt LCA. Department of Labor(DOL) typically certifies more than 3 times the number of foreign work requests than the number of H-1B visas issued by USCIS.

A new LCA is needed if the foreigner worker changes his or her work location(even within the same state and same company), because the prevailing wage of the position depends on geographic location. However, if the new location is within the same Metropolitan Statistical Area or normal commuting distance, no new LCA is needed.