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Healthcare Support: 2025 H-1B Report by Occupation

Top Employers, Healthcare Support Salaries, Job Opportunities & Sponsorship Trends

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

RankH1B Visa Sponsor(Employer)Number of LCA *Average Salary
1Optimum Care Services9 $36,227
2Meazi Staffing Agency4 $31,468
3The Autism Impact Circle2 $64,750
4Amazing Support Home Care2 $62,500
5Ccsi- Case Coordination2 $44,720
6New Hope2 $41,600
7Lah Animal Hospital2 $40,560
8Animal Health Veterinary East2 $36,400
8Uniiks2 $36,400
10Ralans2 $32,362
11Cardinal Home Care Agency2 $32,240
12Dynamiks Home Care2 $26,031
13Vigorcare Partners Of Texas1 $191,350
14Infotech Sourcing1 $156,000
15Bestvalue Healthcare1 $98,800
16Goshen Concept Care1 $67,600
16Infinite Services1 $67,600
18Global Healthcare Services1 $65,000
19Trinity Health And Social Services1 $56,129
20Oscar Mendez, M.D.1 $55,141
21Gillian Gladstone Teran1 $53,750
22Merc Therapy Centers1 $49,920
23Qing Zhang Medical1 $48,464
24Vira Care1 $44,720
24El Amoroso Home1 $44,720
26Pristine Rehab Care1 $44,512
27International Quality Homecare1 $44,200
28Denverpublicschoolsdistrict 11 $41,216
29Rhode Island Hospital1 $40,123
30Subinprara Medical Group1 $37,750
31Adlp1 $37,440
32Ordot Dental Clinic1 $32,978
33Amen1 $29,120
34Our Saviour Healthcare Services1 $21,944

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

The above report lists the top 1 - 200 H1B Visa sponsors(Healthcare Support) in fiscal year 2024). For Example, the first record on this report means that Optimum Care Services filed 9 Labor Condition Applications(LCA) for H1B Visa in fiscal year 2024. The average salary of those job offerss is $36,227. The number and average salary are not for all H1B Visa jobs filed by Optimum Care Services in fiscal year 2024. They are for Healthcare Support jobs only.

The visa sponsors(employers) are sorted by the number of Labor Condition Application(LCA) submitted. The number includes new, renew and transfer of LCA.

If two employers have filed same number of visa petitions in the same year and same category, they are further sorted by the average salary in descending order.

The salary is the average salary of all proffered salary on LCA or Form 9035. Sometimes the visa sponsors(employers) does not enter a specific salary, but a salary range. Our algorithm uses the middle point of the range to calculate the average salary.

*: The number of LCA includes renewed, transferred and cap-exempt LCA. Department of Labor(DOL) typically certifies more than 3 times the number of foreign work requests than the number of H-1B visas issued by USCIS.

A new LCA is needed if the foreigner worker changes his or her work location(even within the same state and same company), because the prevailing wage of the position depends on geographic location. However, if the new location is within the same Metropolitan Statistical Area or normal commuting distance, no new LCA is needed.