Senior Consultant: 2025 H-1B Report by Job Title

Top Employers, Senior Consultant Salaries, Job Opportunities & Sponsorship Trends

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

RankH1B Visa Sponsor(Employer)Number of LCA *Average Salary
1Deloitte Consulting412 $130,048
2Exlservice.com27 $110,421
3Iqvia16 $164,348
4Guidehouse Digital16 $127,678
5Apps Associates14 $120,594
6Hexaware Technologies12 $115,723
7Slalom8 $150,480
8The Capital Markets8 $131,570
9Fti8 $126,000
10Oracle Financial Services Software8 $108,400
11Pa Consulting Group6 $136,678
12IBM6 $134,200
13Guidehouse6 $116,311
14Roland Berger5 $195,500
15Vidar Intelligence5 $134,400
16Sdg Consulting5 $133,922
17Woodgrain5 $123,547
18Saama Technologies5 $110,100
19Appex Innovation Solutions5 $77,778
20National Economic Research Associates4 $250,000
21Ngi Capital4 $147,147
22Simon-Kucher & Partners Strategy & Marketing Consultants4 $137,500
23Microstrategy4 $113,250
24Fractal Analytics4 $88,764
25Birlasoft Solutions4 $88,481
26Red Clay Consulting3 $164,667
27Korn Ferry3 $135,319
28United School District 489 Foundation For Educational Excellence3 $135,000
29Infor3 $124,611
30Jade Global3 $114,667
31Hitach Solutions America3 $110,780
32Hcl America3 $105,428
33Princeton Blue3 $105,325
34Davies Advisors3 $102,125
35Crosscountry Consulting3 $87,333
36Multiplier Advisors2 $218,400
37Stratosphere Technical Consulting2 $173,736
38Css International, Llc D.B.A. Arganocss2 $158,942
39Palo Alto Networks2 $151,525
40Red Hat2 $149,465
41Zoomrx2 $134,000
42Accelalpha2 $127,500
43Adenza2 $125,296
44Kwa Analytics Us2 $125,000
45Arup2 $118,165
46Concord, Usa2 $117,874
47Brillio2 $117,061
48Transform Tech Solutions2 $116,054
49Nextant2 $114,400
50Shivani Technologies2 $112,208
51Eigen X2 $112,000
52Oracle America2 $110,421
53Braven Technologies2 $101,194
54Teklink International2 $99,939
55Birlasoft2 $98,790
56I Dream Systems2 $98,301
57Oracular Is2 $97,848
58Appian2 $97,330
59Nomura Securities International2 $95,000
60Kodesystems2 $91,562
61Logic Information Systems2 $85,093
62Visa USA1 $209,057
63Integrichain1 $205,000
63Blue Fin Group1 $205,000
65Decision Resources1 $188,190
66Altman Solon1 $187,250
67Optml1 $180,000
68Excellis Health Solutions1 $169,250
69Technology 4 Solutions1 $167,827
70Rizing1 $165,000
70Decima International1 $165,000
72Converge Consulting1 $164,398
73Rcc Global1 $163,000
74Accenture1 $161,200
75Kpi Partners1 $160,000
75Bentley Systems1 $160,000
75Abjayon1 $160,000
78Veeva Systems1 $159,500
79Engineering Systems1 $155,000
80Long Island Electric Utility Servco1 $152,700
81Draftpoint1 $151,840
82Coalfire Systems1 $151,424
83Wavestone Us Inc. & Sub1 $150,000
83Premier International1 $150,000
85Highpointsolutions1 $149,525
86Wb Solutions1 $147,369
87Deallus Consulting1 $145,000
87Bestppl Technologies1 $145,000
89Stroz Friedberg1 $143,500
90Apfs1 $140,000
90Fev North America1 $140,000
90Accelsior1 $140,000
93Keyrus1 $138,000
94Sailpoint Technologies1 $135,590
95Infinite Computer Solutions1 $135,000
96Futurity Group1 $134,859
97Edgile1 $132,608
98Fortude1 $132,000
99EMC1 $131,736
100Aspirehr1 $130,000
100Digital Urth1 $130,000
100Capspire1 $130,000
100Gotham Digital Science1 $130,000
104Xscion Solutions1 $129,381
105Avaap Usa1 $127,000
106Informatica1 $126,558
107Magic Software1 $125,000
107Gyansys1 $125,000
107Undocked1 $125,000
110Hitachi Energy Usa1 $123,203
111Mello & Ponaman Enterprises1 $121,095
112Techmetro1 $120,350
113Transunion Interactive, Inc. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of Transunion1 $118,702
114Advention Business Partners1 $118,000
115Buro Happold Consulting Engineers1 $116,707
116Ul1 $116,689
117Epiuse America1 $115,000
118Lucid Technologies1 $114,513
119Yexle Digital Services1 $114,026
120Ellucian1 $114,000
121Envista1 $111,884
122Value Creed1 $110,000
123Tcg Digital Solutions1 $110,000
124Service Oriented Solutions1 $104,000
125Logic Planet1 $103,565
126Manhattan Associates1 $102,877
127Estuate1 $102,695
128Cohnreznick1 $101,935
129Red Hibbert Group1 $101,192
129Signitives Technologies1 $101,192
131Spur Reply1 $100,950
132Concept Reply1 $100,511
133Astrolabe Pacific1 $100,000
133Gerent1 $100,000
133Beatior1 $100,000
133Sydata1 $100,000
133Betior1 $100,000
133Bearingpoint Consulting1 $100,000
133Newmark & Company Real Estate1 $100,000
140Kantar1 $99,139
141Highradius1 $99,000
142Tek Minded1 $98,473
143Consultare America1 $96,000
143I9 Tech Solutions1 $96,000
145Vgts1 $95,680
146Application Consulting Group1 $93,011
147Movate1 $90,022
148Congero Technology1 $88,442
149Forvis1 $85,000
150Uniqus Consultech1 $80,870
151Kavi Associates1 $78,354
152The Capital Projects Group1 $78,000
153Vivid Edge1 $68,141

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

The above report lists the top 1 - 200 H1B Visa sponsors(senior-consultant) in fiscal year 2024). For Example, the first record on this report means that Deloitte Consulting filed 412 Labor Condition Applications(LCA) for H1B Visa in fiscal year 2024. The average salary of those job offerss is $130,048. The number and average salary are not for all H1B Visa jobs filed by Deloitte Consulting in fiscal year 2024. They are for senior-consultant jobs only.

The visa sponsors(employers) are sorted by the number of Labor Condition Application(LCA) submitted. The number includes new, renew and transfer of LCA.

If two employers have filed same number of visa petitions in the same year and same category, they are further sorted by the average salary in descending order.

The salary is the average salary of all proffered salary on LCA or Form 9035. Sometimes the visa sponsors(employers) does not enter a specific salary, but a salary range. Our algorithm uses the middle point of the range to calculate the average salary.

*: The number of LCA includes renewed, transferred and cap-exempt LCA. Department of Labor(DOL) typically certifies more than 3 times the number of foreign work requests than the number of H-1B visas issued by USCIS.

A new LCA is needed if the foreigner worker changes his or her work location(even within the same state and same company), because the prevailing wage of the position depends on geographic location. However, if the new location is within the same Metropolitan Statistical Area or normal commuting distance, no new LCA is needed.