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Management Analyst: 2025 H-1B Report by Job Title

Top Employers, Management Analyst Salaries, Job Opportunities & Sponsorship Trends

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

RankH1B Visa Sponsor(Employer)Number of LCA *Average Salary
1Ltimindtree28 $103,323
2Mphasis10 $131,440
3Tech Mahindra5 $133,972
4Tekplant5 $130,819
5Consultadd5 $94,640
6Allpros Consulting5 $85,331
7Tammina Infotech5 $78,991
8Avaunt Consulting Group5 $73,590
9Pastilla4 $59,226
10Taco Joint4 $43,514
11Amitofo Care Center International3 $112,767
12Girikon3 $101,667
13Friendly Consultants3 $87,651
14Absolute Information Technologies3 $87,457
15Eureka3 $85,000
16Apremia3 $73,653
17Apple2 $186,607
18Human Centered Solutions2 $165,000
19University Of California, San Francisco2 $148,579
20Chc Fashion Group2 $134,150
21Inrika2 $100,507
22Sgm Metals2 $98,703
23Applica Solutions2 $98,098
24Fujitsu North America2 $93,330
25Itarks2 $93,300
26Visionet Systems2 $92,676
27Thinktown Education2 $90,000
28Sewtech2 $88,712
28Tuxedo Wine & Spirits2 $88,712
30Athreya2 $87,500
31Lollicup2 $87,360
31Sage It2 $87,360
33First Tek2 $85,301
34Spotline2 $82,935
35Opus Search2 $80,000
36Intellipro Group2 $76,170
37Finders Consulting2 $74,000
37Acezd Consultancy Services2 $74,000
39K-Mobile2 $73,590
40Everest Spice2 $73,590
41Ecom Consulting2 $72,000
42More Health2 $71,469
43ITsutra2 $71,000
44Netrocon Systems2 $70,000
45Hilix International2 $66,560
46Lead Designs2 $62,500
47Kbj Trading2 $59,359
48Enclyclopaedia Britannica2 $58,198
49986 Degrees2 $58,198
50H&W Management2 $56,160
51Egsolution2 $56,118
52Donghee America1 $725,088
53Freealliance.Com1 $205,000
54Ucsf Medical Center1 $192,159
55Neara Software1 $165,000
56East West Bank1 $162,970
57New York Wealth Planning Group1 $150,000
58Aucta Pharmaceuticals1 $148,700
59Ai Engineers1 $137,280
60Medscience Research Group1 $130,500
61Pointe Advisory1 $130,000
62River Gains1 $128,960
63Ezsvs1 $126,880
64Engage Stack1 $124,800
65Jp Glassware1 $120,000
66Maven Companies1 $115,000
67Blue Ocean Realty1 $114,400
67Jiaherb1 $114,400
69Paycargo1 $112,500
70Sonata Software North America1 $112,000
71Lc Food Distribution1 $110,000
72Satya Soft Solutions1 $109,620
73Flyhigh Talent1 $109,616
74Global Callcenter Solutions1 $105,253
74Trade Lines1 $105,253
76Samarth Diamonds1 $104,000
77Cogent Infotech1 $103,000
78Fans Wireless1 $102,000
79Healthfirst Social Day Care1 $101,920
79Dharm International1 $101,920
79Intellitek1 $101,920
79Fh Group International1 $101,920
83Time Equities1 $101,000
83Kk Associates1 $101,000
85Dynamite Decorators1 $100,880
86Quiet Consulting1 $100,703
87Mimap1 $100,506
87Bridgetown Consulting Group1 $100,506
87Anjaneyap1 $100,506
87Enson Group1 $100,506
91United Pacific Industries1 $100,100
92Hiq Technologies1 $100,000
92Kiss Nail Products1 $100,000
92Srr International1 $100,000
92Everest Global Solutions1 $100,000
96Kura Technologies1 $99,837
97Despark1 $99,674
98Onelink Solution1 $97,864
99Distinctive Service1 $96,252
100Fresh International Schaumburg1 $94,765
100Enlan1 $94,765
102Tekflaire1 $93,579
103Venezia Stone1 $93,059
104Neuro Leap1 $91,270
105All Medical1 $91,062
106Cloud Tekis1 $90,000
106Adornus Manufacturing1 $90,000
108Weetok1 $88,920
109Appridat Solutions1 $88,712
109Coderepo1 $88,712
109Crmit Solutions1 $88,712
109Brandscapes Worldwide Consultancy1 $88,712
113Wellness & Care Group Of Texas1 $88,000
113Sc Group Management1 $88,000
115Radam It Solutions1 $87,652
116Visys Cloud Technologies1 $87,365
117Texas Excel Property Management1 $87,360
118Kdex Global1 $87,050
119Asius1 $87,048
119Perigon Infotech1 $87,048
121Sepals1 $87,000
121Pacifica Hosts1 $87,000
121Sbit1 $87,000
124Natsoft1 $86,913
125Yu Cha1 $85,675
126Trice Coffee1 $85,000
127Garan1 $84,773
128Southern Hospitality Services1 $84,000
128Sala Homes Realty1 $84,000
130Protech Consulting & Trading1 $83,200
130Retrera1 $83,200
130Washington University Of Science And Technology1 $83,200
133Ak4 Networks1 $82,951
134Easyway International1 $82,514
135Novasoft Usa1 $82,500
136Young Scholars1 $82,160
136Global Wholesale1 $82,160
138Turing Video1 $80,870
139Reliable Financial Solutions1 $80,621
140Df Real Estate1 $80,001
141Cbc Home1 $80,000
141Gallop Global1 $80,000
141Us Arts Center1 $80,000
141Sreyo1 $80,000
145Chery Industrial1 $79,997
146City Of Columbus1 $79,498
147Aligcus1 $79,404
148Hygia Healthcare1 $79,394
149Creditcard Data Services1 $79,394
150Vyom Donut Management1 $79,000
151Commonwealth Motor1 $78,395
152Enterprise Business Solutions1 $76,960
153Dun Huang1 $75,920
154Merkur1 $75,500
155Carter Enterprises1 $75,400
156Emmanuel Home Health Services1 $75,171
157Itea1 $75,046
157Reiwatakiya Bos1 $75,046
159Dolcan1 $75,046
160Momentea Group1 $75,000
161Mount Sinai Medical Center Of Florida1 $74,984
162Infospan1 $74,880
162Bbdotq1 $74,880
162Business Compliance1 $74,880
165Ashtel Studios1 $74,755
166Anthem Oil1 $74,755
167Law Offices Of Susheela Verma1 $74,500
168Ras Cpa1 $74,464
169Camber Pharmaceuticals1 $74,000
170University Of Massachusetts, Office Of The President1 $73,912
171D Element Group1 $73,840
172State Of Oregon1 $73,752
173Jlp One Consulting1 $73,601
174Horizon Family Office1 $73,600
175Forge Technologies1 $73,595
175Itamerica1 $73,595
175Retrara1 $73,595
178Aurora Clearing1 $73,590
178Oec Freight Ny1 $73,590
178New York Mutual Trading1 $73,590
178Crystalgen1 $73,590
178Akaibana Restaurant1 $73,590
183Voxai Solutions1 $73,590
183Berik1 $73,590
183Clark Construction Group-ca1 $73,590
183Italkbb Media1 $73,590
183Dio Usa1 $73,590
183Heaven Spice Usa1 $73,590
183Boston Uswoo Realty1 $73,590
183Dlycanal1 $73,590
191Nextgen It Solutions1 $73,112
192Otis Technology1 $72,800
193Roundex1 $72,000
193Inroads To Recovery1 $72,000
193Dainty1 $72,000
193Objects On Net1 $72,000
197Brandchef Group1 $71,968
198Inmyshow1 $71,469
198Calcolor Academy1 $71,469
200Mapa 20201 $70,971

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

The above report lists the top 1 - 200 H1B Visa sponsors(management-analyst) in fiscal year 2024). For Example, the first record on this report means that Ltimindtree filed 28 Labor Condition Applications(LCA) for H1B Visa in fiscal year 2024. The average salary of those job offerss is $103,323. The number and average salary are not for all H1B Visa jobs filed by Ltimindtree in fiscal year 2024. They are for management-analyst jobs only.

The visa sponsors(employers) are sorted by the number of Labor Condition Application(LCA) submitted. The number includes new, renew and transfer of LCA.

If two employers have filed same number of visa petitions in the same year and same category, they are further sorted by the average salary in descending order.

The salary is the average salary of all proffered salary on LCA or Form 9035. Sometimes the visa sponsors(employers) does not enter a specific salary, but a salary range. Our algorithm uses the middle point of the range to calculate the average salary.

*: The number of LCA includes renewed, transferred and cap-exempt LCA. Department of Labor(DOL) typically certifies more than 3 times the number of foreign work requests than the number of H-1B visas issued by USCIS.

A new LCA is needed if the foreigner worker changes his or her work location(even within the same state and same company), because the prevailing wage of the position depends on geographic location. However, if the new location is within the same Metropolitan Statistical Area or normal commuting distance, no new LCA is needed.