.net Developer: 2025 H-1B Report by Job Title

Top Employers, .net Developer Salaries, Job Opportunities & Sponsorship Trends

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

RankH1B Visa Sponsor(Employer)Number of LCA *Average Salary
1Sapphirus Systems22 $98,864
2Antra8 $93,300
33i Infotech8 $82,156
4Techsmartglobal7 $100,128
5Technumen7 $95,418
6Vsoft Consulting Group7 $94,286
7Vorizo Info Tech7 $91,647
8Strategic Systems7 $89,367
9Collabrium Systems5 $102,384
10Platinum Consulting Services5 $98,209
11Tekblu5 $80,070
12Cloudninetek5 $78,150
13Iflowsoft Solutions4 $103,000
14R&L Carriers Shared Services4 $98,761
15It Resources4 $95,717
16Shrive Technologies4 $93,175
17Vitosha4 $81,633
18Trustek4 $73,855
19It Cats3 $123,667
20Virtuoso Technologies3 $115,621
21Systemsoft3 $114,100
22Ascendion3 $114,000
23Idexcel3 $113,333
24Innova Solutions3 $106,586
25Centaurus Technology Partners3 $101,196
26Covant Solutions3 $100,977
27Virtuemind Solutions3 $95,783
28Nantez3 $86,966
29Delasoft3 $86,590
30R1 Rcm Holdco2 $163,576
31Propel Infotech2 $142,683
32Insight Global2 $138,434
33Infomatrix2 $130,009
34Vitcon Systems2 $130,000
35Sriven Technologies2 $115,050
36Vista Applied Solutions Group2 $114,808
37Hance Incorporated2 $114,452
38Luzon Technologies2 $114,026
38Fairblaze It2 $114,026
40N9 It Solutions2 $108,655
41Etek It Services2 $107,500
42Tekvivid2 $103,616
43Datalab Infotech2 $102,845
44Jnit Technologies2 $102,066
45Fusion Plus Solutions2 $101,500
46Rivic Systems2 $101,244
47Bi Techno Solutions2 $101,197
48Zangle Technologies2 $101,196
49Erp Analysts2 $101,114
50Technodrive Business Solutions2 $100,500
51Prospect Infosystem2 $100,000
52Egiants Technologies2 $99,872
53Whiztek2 $98,397
54Techiebrains Incorporated2 $98,104
55Digital Scripts2 $95,857
56Career Soft Solutions2 $95,674
57Sunmerge Systems2 $95,364
58Indus Group2 $95,050
59Sstech2 $93,510
60Synapse Tech Services2 $93,287
61Tech Talent Connect2 $92,779
62Aplomb Technologies2 $92,447
63Texperts2 $91,520
64Datad Solutions2 $90,106
65Treca Digital Academy2 $86,581
66Ted Soft Solutions2 $86,000
67Uipathtek2 $85,218
68Uptrend Technologies2 $84,053
69Lead It2 $83,911
70Storee Construction2 $82,500
71Datahgurus Business Solutions2 $78,000
72Cloud Big Data Technologies2 $72,769
73Agraga Technologies2 $71,877
74Machine Learning Technologies2 $69,742
75Zenspaceit2 $69,087
76Vcloud Technology Group2 $63,573
77Blueribbon Global Technologies2 $62,367
78Big Game Software1 $197,600
79Mindlance1 $170,496
80Ekodus1 $147,434
81Stafftech1 $142,480
82Experis1 $142,116
83Pioneer Consulting1 $140,000
84Innovative Information Technologies1 $139,152
85Xfusion Technologies1 $138,850
86Celesdata1 $135,200
87Sagenet1 $132,753
88Software Guidance And Assistance1 $130,000
88Datacorns1 $130,000
90Franklin Infotech1 $128,600
91Themesoft1 $124,800
92Lorhan1 $117,603
93New York Technology Partners1 $116,000
93Baanyan Software Services1 $116,000
95Genesis1 $115,918
96Vibrant1 $115,918
97Solutionsoft1 $115,000
97Amplifai Solutions1 $115,000
97Ashley Global Retail1 $115,000
100Cyma Systems1 $114,500
101Excelaxis1 $114,038
102Lancesoft1 $113,000
103Excellerate Education Solutions1 $112,986
103Cloudbridge Solutions1 $112,986
105Sdh Systems1 $112,845
106Code Ace Solutions1 $112,000
106Lmk Infotech1 $112,000
108Astor & Sanders1 $111,507
109Epitec1 $110,053
110Kronsys1 $110,000
110Smart Energy Systems1 $110,000
112Yash Creations1 $109,816
113The American University1 $108,992
113Inteliroute Technologies1 $108,992
115Photon Infotech1 $108,000
116Logic Planet1 $107,000
117Spartan Solutions1 $105,596
118Vmc Soft Technologies1 $105,500
119Benecias1 $105,061
120Sigma Resources1 $105,000
121Trident Systems Integrator1 $104,000
121Expedent1 $104,000
121Millennium Software1 $104,000
124Datalore Technologies1 $103,636
125Sv Technology Services1 $103,272
126Creative Information Technology1 $103,000
126Shrptech1 $103,000
126Sapphire Software Solutions1 $103,000
126Caerusglobal1 $103,000
130Evantage Solutions1 $102,939
131Digitalis1 $102,889
132Carvintech1 $102,878
133Tekprism1 $102,877
133Keypixel Softwaresolutions1 $102,877
135Han It Staffing1 $102,877
136Orbitz Technologies1 $102,700
137Inteletech Global1 $102,691
138Core Its Limited Liability1 $102,690
138Beyond Technologies1 $102,690
140Sahi Softtech1 $102,688
141Genuineitllc1 $102,300
142Malla Systems1 $102,294
143Nalashaa1 $102,000
143Noblesoft Solutions1 $102,000
143Onesource Virtual1 $102,000
146Signinsoft1 $101,608
147Maxary1 $101,422
148Enexus1 $101,200
149Dataquad1 $101,196
149Zuven Technologies1 $101,196
151Techorbit1 $101,192
151American It Solutions1 $101,192
151Talent It Services1 $101,192
151Alindus1 $101,192
151Wissenit1 $101,192
151Sai Technologies1 $101,192
151Sinfotech1 $101,192
151Xove Consulting Services1 $101,192
159Nextgen Solutions1 $100,994
160Resourcesoft1 $100,069
161Prolim Consulting1 $100,000
161Cygtec1 $100,000
163Maganti It Resources1 $99,840
164Alpine Techq1 $99,700
165Strategic It Experts1 $99,000
166Lilli Technology1 $98,904
167Siri Software Solutions1 $98,651
168Ajace1 $98,500
169Amzur Technologies1 $98,301
169Ameritech Global1 $98,301
171Jrss1 $97,760
172Viron Technologies1 $97,395
173Selsoft1 $97,000
173Tekhub1 $97,000
175Wafts Solutions1 $97,000
176Vspastra Solutions1 $96,787
177Learnbeyond Consulting1 $96,574
177Centric Consulting1 $96,574
179Ms Info Tech1 $95,924
180Staffx221 $95,535
181Us Renal Care1 $95,000
181Intone Networks1 $95,000
183Yes Technologies1 $93,600
183Denken Solutions1 $93,600
185Derex Technologies1 $93,000
186Sohanit1 $92,393
187Key Business Solutions1 $91,520
188Kellton Tech1 $90,813
189Sligo Software Solutions1 $90,200
190Ayra Tech1 $90,000
190Workmate1 $90,000
190Unicon Systems1 $90,000
193Cyberender1 $89,939
193Incusol1 $89,939
195Tanu Infotech1 $89,565
196Techmetro1 $89,300
197Sain Technologies1 $89,277
198Vars Consulting1 $89,253
198Param Consulting Services1 $89,253
200Infoshare Systems1 $88,442

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

The above report lists the top 1 - 200 H1B Visa sponsors(.net-developer) in fiscal year 2024). For Example, the first record on this report means that Sapphirus Systems filed 22 Labor Condition Applications(LCA) for H1B Visa in fiscal year 2024. The average salary of those job offerss is $98,864. The number and average salary are not for all H1B Visa jobs filed by Sapphirus Systems in fiscal year 2024. They are for .net-developer jobs only.

The visa sponsors(employers) are sorted by the number of Labor Condition Application(LCA) submitted. The number includes new, renew and transfer of LCA.

If two employers have filed same number of visa petitions in the same year and same category, they are further sorted by the average salary in descending order.

The salary is the average salary of all proffered salary on LCA or Form 9035. Sometimes the visa sponsors(employers) does not enter a specific salary, but a salary range. Our algorithm uses the middle point of the range to calculate the average salary.

*: The number of LCA includes renewed, transferred and cap-exempt LCA. Department of Labor(DOL) typically certifies more than 3 times the number of foreign work requests than the number of H-1B visas issued by USCIS.

A new LCA is needed if the foreigner worker changes his or her work location(even within the same state and same company), because the prevailing wage of the position depends on geographic location. However, if the new location is within the same Metropolitan Statistical Area or normal commuting distance, no new LCA is needed.