Los Angeles, CA, US
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx
Looking For: Investment Banking Analyst, Financial Analyst
Occupation: Business and Finance
Degree: Master's Degree
Career Level: Entry Level
Languages: English, Mandarin
Highlights:Delivered high-quality lists of potential buyers for several sell-side deal flows as an Investment Banking Analyst at Diamond Capital Advisors.
Skills:Financial Modeling, Investment, Risk Analysis, business
Goal:Seeking a full-time opportunity where my quantitative skills, communication skills, professional experience and passion for investment banking can benefit future employers.
Honor:• First Place, IBM’s Watson Academic Case Competition (1 / 35) April 2014 • Excellent Service as the Vice President Finance, USC Viterbi Graduate Student Association (VGSA) Fall 2013 – Present • First prize, International Mathematical Contest in Modeling (TOP 200 among 5,000 participants) Spring 2012 • President, Tennis Association, University of Science and Technology Beijing Spring 2010 – Spring 2012
University of Science and Technology Beijing 09/2008 - 06/2012
Beijing, Beijing, China
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major:Financial Engineering
The degree focused on financial valuation, financial modeling and risk management, but also included significant coursework in mathematics and statistics.