Rate and Review Wyvil Systems Inc

Black Listed Company -
- Anonymous - 4/11/2010 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThe biggest fact that i have learned that the Wyvil has been BLACK LISTED due to [Name Removed by Admin] - No company wants to hire any consultant that represent Wyvil System or Wyvil Entrypoint. He will use all different name to make you a victim of his business to make money.
Sunil - 10/8/2014 - This company gave SAP Career to hundreds of people since 2000
7 got green cards.

Worst Company -
- Anonymous - 4/11/2010 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThis is a group of blood suckers company. They squeeze lot of money. False promises. Please do not join this company. Never believe what they say.
Alex - 10/8/2014 - From that seed, Cherukonda has grown the SAP Knowledge Abilities Network, a not-for-profit venture that provides SAP program training for people with disabilities. Funding the project entirely from his profits with Wyvil, he’s developed partnerships with many area business schools to provide classes and training opportunities.
The enterprise system programs created by German company SAP AG are among the most widely used by medium and large firms, primarily because of its ability to work within all major business functions. It’s that popularity, along with the technology’s flexibility to be used anywhere, that makes it a useful skill for those with disabilities, Cherukonda said.
“They can be anywhere; they don’t need to be physically at a building to do this,” he said.
Since he began SAP KAN, he’s trained 25 people in SAP skills, operating classes in partnership with schools such as DeVry, IIT and Keller School of Management. In true “pay it forward” fashion, his students are now teachers who conduct classes for others.
“We train the trainers,” he said. “Our philosophy is that each one should get up to speed on these tools, not only learning them but also to help other people — to train them so that they get the knowledge base and the skills that are very essential in corporate America.” -

Pathetic! -
- Anonymous - 7/24/2009 - flag as inappropriate -
commentNever join this company! They don't pay you as promised. Will change their rules when ever they wish to! No Professionalism! Above all, they do not treat you like an employee or even as a human!!!!
Wish I could kick him!!
John - 10/8/2014 - Cherukonda notes that through learning the skills and in turn helping others learn, students have improved their self-esteem and confidence, and show a “can do” attitude that can help them find work.
One of Cherukonda’s first students is Brian Aardsma, who was trained in SAP BusinessObjects and is now one of SAP KAN’s mentors. Aardsma, who is restricted to a wheelchair, now teaches others how to use the programs primarily through hosted webinars.
Aardsma said he always had an interest in technology and working with the people at SAP KAN given him a feeling of worth and accomplishment.
“I’ve had a very positive experience,” he said. “I’m happy that Raj believes in me and it’s a great thing to be a part of.”
He adds that in addition to being a teacher, he is also a role model to others with disabilities who may doubt their own abilities.
“They look at me and say ‘if he can do this, then so can I,’” Aardsma said.
Aardsma and the other students are showcased at quarterly seminars hosted by Wyvil, Cherukonda said. At these seminars, hiring managers from various companies and educational organizations are invited to meet the students and see what they an do.
“We use these seminars to showcase what these people are capable of and what they’ve learned,” he said. “If we can impress some of these hiring managers, that’s going to open up a lot of opportunities for us.”
Cherukonda said 10 percent of the Wyvil’s yearly profits are directed to the program, and at this point he does not solicit outside funding. SAP KAN recently received its 501(c) nonprofit status, he added.
Cherukonda practices his philosophy at Wyvil as well, noting 20 percent of his staff are people with disabilities, including his key assistants, Monica Luna, senior business development manager and Pre Sales Manager Sue Martini.
Cherukonda spends much of his time networking with local schools, businesses and social service organizations to make them aware of SAP KAN, and in turn hopes to expand the partnership network to open up more opportunities for training and employment.
His next goal is to find businesses that have a need for SAP-trained employees and connect them to his network. Cherukonda notes he’s focusing in particular on government agencies at all levels. He notes many of the agencies already use SAP software, and he hopes leveraging that with federal ADA requirements will provide an edge to helping find employment opportunities for SAP KAN students.
“The advantage is that these are government organizations and they respect ADA,” he said. “As a result, if there are some permanent jobs, they can give us an opportunity, because we have people who know the skills. We can say ‘If you have some openings, we have some students who are very eligible.’” -