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Rate and Review Techmagix Inc
2 reviews or comments about Techmagix Inc have been flagged as inappropriate and are under investigation.
Small Personalized and Good Consulting.. -
- Sri Man - 11/6/2024 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThis is a good old Company. Got green card through this and finally leaving. Worked here for over 10 years. Never delayed the pay as some people mentioned below.
toomuch -
- - 8/30/2012 - flag as inappropriate -
Better than 75% of consulting compnies run by Indian owners -
- - 7/26/2011 - flag as inappropriate -
commentWorked for this company for 7 years. Except 4,5 time in these 7 years I got my paycheck on time as promised. They pay ontime, they commit what they promise. If the employee bargains on percentage... Imagine it will be never done. Trainings are very slow. It used to be People Soft training. You need to pass exams to get your resume marketed with at least 70%... If not you need to spend another 2 months in training. Their training and placement will take at least 4 months, be prepared for that...Their trainings are excellent, if you have patience. Immigration things will be well taken care. it used to be very consultant friendly. Recently it is more like beurocratic layered. I think owner need to interact more frequently with the consultants. Over all I can rate this company as better than 75% of consulting companies run by Indian owners.
Company Sucks -
- - 5/6/2011 - flag as inappropriate -
commentNever pays the salary on time. No marketing. To get your resume marketing first of all you should baby sit his kids and then work as a cook and cleaning guy at his home.
Good and stable company.. commitments fulfilled... Never over promise -
- Ram - 4/8/2011 - flag as inappropriate -
commentJoined with this company when my previous company was horrible and was never used pay and market. Feeling a huge relief in the last 6 months. Lucky enough to find a better place.. I recommend 100%.
Be Careful -
- - 3/22/2011 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI am currently associated with this company. I suggest everybody to be cautious before getting into a company like this. Owner got a gas station and everybody must work there for sometime in order for the marketing to get started. They will say relationship is important when we ask for the pay and they will never pay on time. They will speak as if only they got the ethics. I advise everybody to not to get into a company like this.
Reg: -
- Anonymous - 6/25/2010 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThis is good and old Consultancy.Salaries are paying reasonable and direct depoist. I can say good .I got green card from this company.
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If you find an employer has violated any proceeding under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) or it has committed either a willful failure or a misrepresentation of a material fact of the Labor Condition Application (LCA) attestations, please do not post your review here. You should contact Dept of Labor, Dept of Justice or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
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Review Result:
3.1 out of
5 stars
7 votes