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Rate and Review SanQuest Inc
Proven firm for SAN industry -
- @data_guy - 4/16/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI always looked up for an identity in stuff that I do and don’t want to be one among the many and in that process a school senior of mine suggested about this firm and explained me about the company background, training procedure, Career growth in the SAN/cloud computing industry and the facilities that will be provided. From the day I joined the company to till date I never regretted for the decision I made and have accomplished even more than what I have expected.
I have been with Sanquest for more than four years now and I would defiantly recommend Sanquest for any new graduate or anyone who is looking for a career and skill growth in a different field other than routine ones like Java developer, testing etc. I have seen people who are very older than me joined the company and they have trained everyone with lots of patience and giving ample of time and attention to make them comfortable, confident and preparing them for the worst case situations in job which helped most of us to have a smother transition into this filed of work.
Choose people that tries to improve your knowledge but not the once that treat you like money making machine for them. -
- SAN_SAN - 4/16/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentTo begin with, being a graduate from a university in US I did not know where to start my career. I came across this company through a friend of mine who suggested that ,” If you go there they might not impress you with all their convincing talk but they are hardcore in the training/placements part.” He said that it would be one of the best choice you made in your career picking.
Few years into my career now I look back and see what a good and bold decision I have made. They keep me focused on my technical side in improving my resume even today.
I would say excellent company to join as you can just keep your mind on the course work they go through so that you may need not worry about other cosmetic stuff.
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For additional information, visit DOL Wage and Hour Division Website: http://www.wagehour.dol.gov and/or call their toll-free information and helpline, available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your time zone, 1-866-4USWAGE (1-866-487-9243).Employer: SanQuest
Review Result:
5.0 out of
5 stars
2 votes