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Ksn Technologies, Inc. visa:19 rank:12563
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364 Indian Boundary Rd. Chesterton, IN 46304All LCs were approved since 2020!
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Rate and Review Ksn Technologies, Inc.

1 review or comment about Ksn Technologies, Inc. has been flagged as inappropriate and is under investigation.

- Owner is a Scam Artist! Run Away - - Maria Lombardo - 12/29/2018 - flag as inappropriate - comment
The owner of this company, Kareem Khan, is a scam artist and a charlatan! I worked for him for 3 months and he did NOT pay me! He also made reports of his wife having cancer but was really vacationing in China. I hope his entire business goes bust! DON'T RIP PEOPLE OFF!
     Kareem Khan - 4/15/2019 - Maria Lambardo filed a law suit on KSN Technologies making false allegations which she made on this website also. The Circuit Court of Cook County IL, in cause No : 2016-CH 10352, issued judgement on Aug 27 2018, and dismissed all her claims. Dismissed.

- flag
     Maria Lombardo - 8/1/2020 - Just because the judge dismissed the case, doesn't mean that you not a scamming piece of GARBAGE! LIAR! - flag

- Owner of KSN is not good. - - Namith - 7/16/2017 - flag as inappropriate - comment
Owner of the company is not a good person. There is no proper recruiter. No one is there to run payroll on time. He does not sort out any immigration issues. The man is a complete psycho! Go away as soon as possible to save your career.
     Maria Lombardo - 5/27/2020 - I agree with this review. The owner is not good. - flag
     Namith - 7/16/2017 - Report such incident to : - flag

- excellent people to work with - - - 4/20/2016 - flag as inappropriate - comment
I have been employed with KSN for almost 2 years as a consultant. The experience has been rewarding. Visa and immigration is handled in a very smooth,efficient and professional manner.
They pay on time. Reliable people. They always keep track of the current market scenario. Their biggest strength is very good marketing team.
They pay very competitive salaries. They are transparent with their employees. Very cooperative people, professional and easy to work with.
The best part of KSN is they train associates on latest technologies to the level of market needs. They maintain competency improvement plan for each associate.
With this we can become very knowledgeable and prosperous. I have worked with many big organisations before but the journey with KSN has been so far the best and most promising.
     Maria Lombardo - 6/20/2017 - This is a solicited review. It is not genuine. Kareem Khan, and his company, KSN Technologies ripped me off. The guy is a scam artist and sham-on-me, I fell for his lies.

He promised me a job and after several months of working for him for FREE, he decided he hadn't "really" hired me. I turned over 1900 C-level contact to him. I contacted my business network for him and set up meetings. He set up business accounts for me on his website and then denied that I EVER worked for him.

The man is a scammer and, from what he reported to me, wants to get rid of the middle man and make more profits for his company. He should NOT be trusted.

- flag
      - 5/10/2018 - This is genuine review. As long as we are honest and professional, there won't be any problem. - flag
     Kareem Khan - 4/15/2019 - Petitioner : Maria Lambardo
Circuit Court of Cook County IL, Cause No : 2016-CH 10352.
Decision : Dismissed
She made false claims and lost her case.

Court has dismissed all her claims against KSN Technologies.
- flag
     Maria Lombardo - 5/27/2020 - Kareem Khan provides fake information to get Visas for cheap labor. Look at his reviews on Glassdoor and Indeed. - flag

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Many of the reviews about H1B visa and green card sponsors on our web site are negative. Though this somewhat reflects one aspect of real immigrant labor market, you should do more research and use your own judgment to make decisions. Please be also aware that some reviews and comments were submitted by employers, competitors or disgruntled employee of Ksn Technologies, Inc..

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If you find an employer has violated any proceeding under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) or it has committed either a willful failure or a misrepresentation of a material fact of the Labor Condition Application (LCA) attestations, please do not post your review here. You should contact Dept of Labor, Dept of Justice or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

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