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sign in to view full job titles, phone numbers and emails! The information contained in this section must be that of employees of Evernorth Enterprise Services, Inc. who are authorized to act on behalf of Evernorth Enterprise Services, Inc. in labor certification matters. They cannot be agents or attorneys, unless they are direct employees of the employer. They might not be the Human Resources professionals responsible for hiring or screening resumes.
LCA for H1B Visa Jobs(Edit or Claim Contact List) | Name | Title | Address | Phone | Email |
1 | Imaduldin Krad | sign in to view | 1 Express Way Austin, TX | 13143033xxxx | xxxx @express-scripts.com |
2 | Lara Bonifacio-Donce | sign in to view | 1 Express Way St. Louis, MO | 18049045xxxx | xxxx @cigna.com |
3 | Tammy Rezendes | sign in to view | One Express Way St. Louis, MO | 18609020xxxx | xxxx @evernorth.com |
4 | Anith Larson | sign in to view | One Express Way St. Louis, MO | 13144756xxxx | xxxx @express-scripts.com |
5 | Dennis Lee | sign in to view | 1 Express Way Bloomington, MN | 19528375xxxx | xxxx @evernorth.com |
6 | Gail Jenkins | sign in to view | 1 Express Way St. Louis, MO | +1860907xxxx | xxxx @cigna.com |
7 | Ramandeep Kaur | sign in to view | One Express Way St. Louis , MO | 12017760xxxx | xxxx @express-scripts.com |
8 | Rambharathreddy Mallavarapu | sign in to view | 1 Express Way St. Louis, MO | +1347324xxxx | xxxx @cigna.com |
9 | Robert Yelle | sign in to view | 1 Express Way St. Louis, MO | 18609075xxxx | xxxx @cigna.com |
LC for Green Card Jobs (Edit or Claim Contact List) | Name | Address | Phone | Email |
1 | Krishnaveni Alahari | 900 Cottage Grove Road Bloomfield, Connecticut | 860-226- xxxx | xxxx @evernorth.com |
2 | Jeremy Davis | One Express Way St. Louis, Missouri | (804) 904 xxxx | xxxx @evernorth.com |
3 | David Mccullough | 900 Cottage Grove Road Bloomfield, Connecticut | 860-573- xxxx | xxxx @cigna.com |
4 | Bhavin Parekh | 1 Express Way St. Louis, Missouri | 862-571- xxxx | xxxx @express-scripts.com |
5 | Tammy Rezendes | 900 Cottage Grove Road Bloomfield, CONNECTICUT | 86090204 xxxx | xxxx @Evernorth.com |
6 | Sridhar Talluri | 900 Cottage Grove Road Bloomfield, CONNECTICUT | n.a. | xxxx @Evernorth.com |
7 | Jeff Butler | One Express Way St. Louis, Missouri | (860) 902 xxxx | xxxx @evernorth.com |
8 | William Brodin | 900 Cottage Grove Road Bloomfield, Connecticut | (860) 205 xxxx | xxxx @evernorth.com |
9 | Lara Bonifacio-Donce | 1 Express Way St. Louis, Missouri | 804-904- xxxx | xxxx @cigna.com |
10 | Srinivasarao Batchu | 900 Cottage Grove Road Bloomfield, CONNECTICUT | n.a. | xxxx @evernorth.com |
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