Home > Candidates > Tushar Prabhu
Tushar Prabhu

Santa Clara, CA, US

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx

  • Looking For: Seo Director, Director Search Engine Optimization

  • Occupation: Management

  • Degree: Bachelor's Degree

  • Career Level: Fully Competent

  • Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Konkani

Career Information:

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Skills:Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Writing, Graphic Design, Advertising, Corporate Communications, Marketing Communications (MARCOM), SEO, Leaderhip, Team Management, Process Development, content strategy


Sr Director SEO and Content 05/2020 - current
Milestone Inc., Santa Clara, CA United States
Industry: Digital Marketing
I head the SEO and Content teams at Milestone, Inc.
Started my role at Milestone Inc., as the Director of SEO. Over my tenure at Milestone, I have performed various roles including: * Managing the SEO, Content and Local Teams * Speaker at Webinars and every edition of Milestone's annual Engage Conference (2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023) * Client interactions -- especially during QBRs, MBRs and YBRs * Hiring in-house team members and managing contractors * Internal team training and enablement -- not just for SEO and Content, but also cross-departmental * Participating in pitches, RFPs, product demos and client presentations * Contributing to product enhancements and doing product demos for clients and prospects * Developing process, documentation standards and SOWs across industries--
Demand Solutions Architect 05/2017 - 04/2020
Position2 Inc, Santa Clara, CA United States
Industry: Digital Marketing
Revived a struggling SEO department growing revenues 3x
This was my second tenure at Position2 -- reinforcing the impact I had leading the SEO and Content initiatives during my first tenure. I started my second tenure at Position2 when there was month over month decline in SEO revenue. I was able to turn the trend around working closely with the sales team, growing the monthly revenues 5x in less than one year.--
Sr Manager - SEO 11/2011 - 04/2017
JustAnswer LLC, San Francisco, CA United States
Industry: Online Services
Set up the SEO and Content departments and grew SEO traffic and revenue by over 300%
I came to the US on an H1B visa sponsored by JustAnswer after working for the company as a contractor from India for six months. When I started my tenure at JustAnswer, SEO was the 7th on the list of revenue sources after PPC, Business Development, International, Email, Affiliate, Referral and Direct / Repeat -- in spite of getting close to 7 million visitors per month. Starting with a 3% of previous month's SEO revenue as a budget, I was able to: * Build a remote team of SEO and content contractors * Own the on-site technical and content enhancement initiatives * Grow SEO traffic from 7 million visitors to over 24 million visitors per month * Own organic A-B testing and feature enhancements to the platform * Conceptualize and lead the development of a content publishing platform to scale content generation * I managed and led the sprints of the SEO development team in Ukraine and the SEO and Content teams across USA and India * I set up and ran the India operations for the company remotely from the US * By the time I left JustAnswer, SEO revenue grew by over 300% and the channel was the 2nd on the list of revenue generators after PPC (which had over $1 million in monthly budgets).--
SEO Analyst 6/2010 - 4/2011
AOL, Bangalore, Karnataka India
Industry: Online Portal
Managed the SEO of 13 entertainment sites and AOL Mobile
I joined AOL to enhance my SEO knowledge by working with 8 seasoned SEOs already on the team in the US. The title was a step down but I have never been driven by titles and was keen to learn from established professionals in the space. During my tenure at the company, I managed the SEO of 13 of AOL's entertainment properties and AOL Mobile, working with teams across the globe. My tenure at AOL ended with the large-scale lay-offs that followed the acquisition of Huffington Post. However, even in my short tenure: * I won the AOL GEM award in the first two quarters * I won the Star Performer award for my performance in the third quarter.--
Head - Global SEO Operations 05/2007 - 04/2010
Position2 Marketing India Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore, Karnataka India
Industry: Digital Marketing
Started my SEO career at Position to and grew to head the department
I joined Position2 as an Operations Manager. However within the first month of joining the company, one of the co-founders who was the SEO subject matter expert parted ways with the company. With 8 SEO clients and no one to manage them, I was tasked with learning SEO and servicing the clients in spite of having no prior SEO experience. That started my journey of learning SEO that continues to this day. During my tenure at Position2, I was responsible for: * Developing a scalable and person-independent process for all SEO and Content projects * Hiring, training and managing the SEO and Content teams, including domestic and international contractors * Servicing SEO and Content clients working with the client management team * Participating in pitches and RFPs * Presentations to clients and prospects * Speaking at road shows as the SEO subject matter expert * When I left the company to further my SEO knowledge, I was the Head of Global SEO Operations.--
Manager-Client Operations 05/1998 - 05/2007
Resource Communications, Bangalore, Karnataka India
Industry: Advertising
Started as a management trainee and was the second in command when I left to pursue a career in online marketing
I joined Resource Communications as a Management Trainee and was the second in command at the company by the time I left the company to pursue a career in digital marketing. Highlights of my tenure at the company: * Worked across all aspects of traditional advertising from client servicing to, copy writing, design, studio management, media planning and buying, event management and more * Managed Learned Relations for Simova Education & Research, a sister concern focused on distance education in liberal arts. * I also contributed to the study material by writing for Future Scenarios module of the Futuristics course Both Resource Communications and Simova Education and Research no longer exist as businesses following the death of H Jayadeva, the founder and CEO of the two businesses.--
Branch Manager - Mumbai 06/1996 - 05/1998
Proland Software Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, Maharashtra India
Industry: Software Development
Started as a sales representative and was promoted to Branch Manager
I started my career as a sales representative for Proland Software Pvt. Ltd, for their Protector Plus Anti Virus Software. After my training in Bengaluru, I was posted at the newly set up Mumbai office as the only sales representative along with one customer support executive who was also the branch manager. In the first year of operations, the Mumbai office generated more sales than the HQ in spite of having no advertising or marketing support. I was promoted to the position of Branch Manager based on the first year's performance. However, in spite of achieving success, I didn't enjoy sales and left the company to pursue a career in marketing and advertising after two years.--


Bangalore University 07/1991 - 04/1996
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major:Marketing and Commerce
Graduated Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)

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  • Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • Email:xxx@xxxx.xxx
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