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Work Visa Candidates: Russia

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Upload PhotoMarat Kenzhebulatov
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: IT and Math
Target Title: Java developer
Skills: java;spring;
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoName not disclosed
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media
Target Title: Journalist
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoUmar Uzdenov
Degree: High School Or Below
Occupation: Installation, Maintenance and Repair
Target Title: Tower climber
Work Authorization: None
Upload PhotoVladimir Smirnov
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: IT and Math
Target Title: Data Scientist, Data Manager
Skills: ;;
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoYury Makievskiy
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Architecture and Engineering
Target Title: Analog Design Engineer, Layout Designer
Skills: Cadance;virtuoso;DRC;LVS;Mentor Calibre;Linux;Innovus;
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoMustapha Moncef Berrimi
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Healthcare
Target Title: Pharmacy
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoMikhail Dvoriadkin
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Architecture and Engineering
Target Title: Process engineer, Manufacturing engineer
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoAlexander Afanasiev
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Occupation: Architecture and Engineering
Target Title: Mechanical Engineering, Analysis Engineering
Skills: Composites;Siemens NX;Mold;Nastran;
Work Authorization: None

Upload PhotoMagauya AKHMETKALI
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Sales
Target Title: Project Sales Manager, Sales Engineer
Work Authorization: None

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