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Work Visa Candidates: Research Scientist

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Upload PhotoChrysa Iordanidou
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Life, Physical, and Social science
Target Title: research scientist
Skills: Communication;Problem-Solving;Team work;Lab skills;Programm......
Work Authorization: H1B Visa

Upload PhotoName not disclosed
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Occupation: Life, Physical, and Social science
Target Title: Research Scientist

Upload PhotoMustafa ElGharib
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Occupation: Life, Physical, and Social science
Target Title: chemist, research scientist
Upload PhotoSatyanarayana Reddy Marudi
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Life, Physical, and Social science
Target Title: research associate, research scientist
Skills: Mammalian cell culture;Analyticla Assay;Upstream Process De......
Work Authorization: F1 Visa(OPT/CPT)

Upload PhotoPrasanth Suresh
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Occupation: Architecture and Engineering
Target Title: research scientist, robotics engineer

Upload PhotoTolulope Oloyede
Degree: Master's Degree
Occupation: Healthcare
Target Title: Epidemiologist, research scientist

Upload PhotoAanchal Jaisingh
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Occupation: Life, Physical, and Social science
Target Title: research scientist, research chemist
Skills: Polymer chemist, Scientist, sustainability;

Upload PhotoAustin Atsango
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Occupation: Life, Physical, and Social science
Target Title: research associate, research scientist

Upload PhotoPatni
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Occupation: Life, Physical, and Social science
Target Title: research scientist, research fellow
Work Authorization: F1 Visa(OPT/CPT)

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