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Immigration Attorney Firms near Birmingham, AL

1. Immigration Attorney Firm: Foley & Mahmood, P.C.    205-553-1270   0 miles
1630 4th Avenue, N., Suite 602, Birmingham, AL 35203
Practice Area: General Practice.

2. Immigration Attorney Firm: Maria Blanco Katz, P.C.    205-252-3434   0 miles
2117 Magnolia Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35205
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization.

3. Immigration Attorney Firm: Klari B. Tedrow    205-871-8084   0 miles
4 Office Park Circle, Suite 303, Birmingham, AL 35223
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization.

4. Immigration Attorney Firm: Shabani & Associates, P.C.    205-823-1223   0 miles
1318 Alford Avenue, Suite 202, Birmingham, AL 35226
Practice Area: Immigration Law, Deportation and Detention, Asylum, Labor Certification, Business and Investment Visa, Consular Practice, Work Authorization, Family Petition, NACARA, TPS, Family Law, Divorces, Auto Accident and Adoptions.

5. Immigration Attorney Firm: Balch & Bingham LLP    205-251-8100   0 miles
1710 Sixth Avenue North, P.O. Box 306, Birmingham, AL 35201-0306
Practice Area: General Practice, Corporation, Public Utilities, Banking, Public Finance, Taxation, Securities, Antitrust, Litigation, Labor and Employment, Probate, Real Estate, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Environmental, Bankruptcy, Legislative Practice, Mergers and Acquisitions, Health Care, International Business Transactions, Criminal, Education, Construction, Products Liability, Coal and Natural Gas, and Personal Injury Law. Trials in all Courts. Alternative Dispute Resolution.

6. Immigration Attorney Firm: Lehr Middlebrooks and Vreeland, P.C.    205-545-8371   0 miles
2021 Third Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35202-1945
Practice Area: Labor and Employment Law, Management, Labor Relations, Employment Discrimination, Retaliation, Wrongful Discharge, Wage and Hour, Occupational Safety and Health, Employer Benefits, Immigration, Public Sector Employment Law, Affirmative Action (OFCCP) and Workers' Compensation.

7. Immigration Attorney Firm: Vulcan Legal Group    205-588-8156   0 miles
111 19th Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203-3120
Practice Area: Bankruptcy Chapter 13; Bankruptcy Chapter 7; Bankruptcy Chapter 11; Family Law; Adoption Law; Child Custody; Child Support; Immigration Law; Temporary Visas; Work Visa; Green Cards; Change of Status; Small Business Planning; Contracts; Wills; Trusts and Estates; Consumer Protection; Fair Debt Collection Practices Acts Violations.

8. Immigration Attorney Firm: Constangy, Brooks and Smith, LLP    205-252-9321, 205-323-7674   0 miles
1819 Fifth Avenue North One Federal Place, Suite 900, Birmingham, AL 35203
Practice Area: Affirmative Action; Class Actions; Employee Benefits; ERISA Litigation; Immigration Law; Labor Relations; Employment Litigation; Occupational Safety and Health; Wage and Hour Law; Workers' Compensation.

9. Immigration Attorney Firm: Ford and Harrison LLP    205-244-5900, 205-244-5901   0 miles
2100 Third Avenue North, Suite 400, Birmingham, AL 35203
Practice Area: Labor And Employment; Employment Law Representing Employers; Employment Litigation; Discrimination; Harassment; Class Actions; Affirmative Action; Wrongful Termination; Wage And Hour Law; Ada; Fmla; Airline Labor Law; Labor Union Organizing; Collective Bargaining; Arbitration; Layoffs; Plant Closings; Mergers And Acquisitions; Restructurings; Employment Contracts; Trade Secrets; Employment Law; Business Torts; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Business Immigration; Employee Benefits; Multi-Employer Pension Plans; Workplace Safety; Workplace Violence.

10. Immigration Attorney Firm: Jackson Lewis LLP    205-332-3100, 205-332-3131   0 miles
First Commercial Bank Building 800 Shades Creek Parkway, Suite 870, Birmingham, AL 35209
Practice Area: Employment, Labor, Benefits, Immigration Law and Other Related Litigation, On Behalf of Management Exclusively.

11. Immigration Attorney Firm: Lehr Middlebrooks Price & Vreeland, P.C.    205-326-3002   0 miles
2021 Third Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203
Practice Area: Labor and Employment Law, Management.

12. Immigration Attorney Firm: Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC    205-328-0480   0 miles
SouthTrust Tower, 420 North Twentieth Street, Suite 1600, Birmingham, AL 35203-5202
Practice Area: Bankruptcy, Financial Institutions and Transactions, Real Estate, Complex Commercial and Business Litigation, Corporate, e-Business and Technology, Environmental Health and Safety and Energy, ERISA and Employee Benefits, Health Law, Immigration, Intellectual Property, International, Labor and Employment, Mergers and Acquisitions, Professional Liability, Public Policy, Securities, Securitization, Tax, Estate Planning, Trusts and Probate, Tort and Product Liability, Transportation, White Collar Crime, Antitrust and Business Compliance Law, Construction.

13. Immigration Attorney Firm: Ritchey & Ritchey, P.A.    205-271-3100   0 miles
1910 28th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35209
Practice Area: General Civil and Criminal Practice. Trial and Appellate Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Banking, Corporate, Commercial, Bankruptcy, Creditor's Rights, Construction, Personal Injury, Probate, Breach of Warranty (manufactured housing) and Real Estate Law.

14. Immigration Attorney Firm: Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell and Berkowitz, PC    205-328-0480, 205-322-8007   0 miles
Wells Fargo Tower, Suite 1600 420 North Twentieth Street, Birmingham, AL 35203-5202
Practice Area: Alternative Dispute Resolution; Admiralty Law; Maritime Law; Antitrust; Aviation Law; Bankruptcy; Creditors' Rights; Business Law; Business Transactions; Construction Law; Ebusiness; Technology Law; Eminent Domain; Employee Benefits; Executive Compensation; Environmental Law; Health Law; Safety; Equipment Leasing; Estate Planning; Probate; Financial Services Law; Government Investigations; Litigation; Gulf Coast Reconstruction; Immigration Law; Intellectual Property; International Law; Labor And Employment; Public Finance; Public Policy - Federal; Public Policy - State; Real Estate; Subprime Mortgage; Taxation - Federal; State Government Law; Local; Transportation.

15. Immigration Attorney Firm: Waller Lansden Dortch and Davis, LLP    205-214-6380, 205-214-8787   0 miles
1901 Sixth Avenue North Suite 1400, Birmingham, AL 35203-2623
Practice Area: General Civil and Business Litigation, Administrative, Antitrust, Aviation and Aerospace, Banking, Bankruptcy, Commercial, Computer and Technology, Constitutional Law, Corporate Restructuring, Domestic Relations, Environmental, Franchising, Governmental Relations, Hospital and Health Care, Immigration, Insurance, Intellectual Property, International Business Transactions, Labor and Employment Relations, Land Use Planning and Zoning, Media Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Municipal Finance, Products Liability, Real Estate, Securities, State and Federal Tax Planning and Litigation, Trade Regulation, Utilities, Wills, Estates and Trusts.

16. Immigration Attorney Firm: Armstrong Law, LLC    205-210-4713   0 miles
P.O. Box 20197, Birmingham, AL 35402-0197
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization; Business Law; Employment Defense; Claim Prevention; Intellectual Property; Trademarks; Service Marks; Copyrights.

17. Immigration Attorney Firm: Johnstone, Adams, Bailey, Gordon and Harris, L.L.C.    251-432-7682   0 miles
One St. Louis Centre 1 St. Louis Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 1988, Birmingham, AL 36633
Practice Area: General Civil and Trial Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Admiralty, Aviation, Banking, Bankruptcy, Construction, Corporation, Employee Benefits, Employment, Labor and Immigration Law, Environmental Law, Estates and Trusts, Health Care and Hospital, Insurance, Oil and Gas, Probate, Product Liability, Real Estate and Taxation Law.

18. Immigration Attorney Firm: Tanner and Guin, LLC    205-823-1990, 205-633-0290   0 miles
418 Lorna Square Office Complex, Birmingham, AL 35216
Practice Area: Business Law; Corporate Law; Commercial Law; Bond Finance; Industrial Development Bonds; Corporate Finance; Business Acquisitions; Sale Of Goods; Disputes; Civil Litigation; Banking Regulation; Bankruptcy; Estate Planning; Trust Planning; Environmental Law; Real Property; Trademarks; Trade Names; Copyrights; Antitrust; Unfair Competition; Corporate Taxation; Individual Tax; Income Tax; Labor And Employment; Employment Litigation; Partnership Law; Limited Liability Company Law; Probate; State Taxation; Local Taxation; Tax Exempt Organizations; Charitable Giving; Tax Litigation; Franchise Law; Class Action Defense; Newspaper Law; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Immigration Law; Naturalization; Local Government Law.

19. Immigration Attorney Firm: Haskell Slaughter Young and Rediker, LLC    205-251-1000, 205-324-1133   0 miles
2001 Park Place North, Suite 1400, Birmingham, AL 35203
Practice Area: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appellate Litigation, Arbitration, Banking and Financial Institutions Law, Bankruptcy, Reorganization and Creditors' Rights, Broker-Dealer Matters, Business and Commercial Litigation, Commercial Law, Corporate Compliance, Corporate Law and Corporate Governance, Directors' and Officers' Liability, Economic Development and Incentives, Employment Law and Litigation, Estate Planning, Fraud, Bad Faith and Extracontractual Liability, General Civil Litigation, Governmental Relations, Healthcare Law, Insurance Law, International Law, Immigration, Mergers and Acquisitions, Motor Carrier Liability, Products Liability, Professional Liability, Public Finance and Local Government Law, Real Estate Law, Real Estate Litigation and Land Use, Securities and Corporate Finance, Securities, Derivative and Class Action Litigation, Taxation and Tax Planning, Telecommunications Law, Tort Litigation, Venture Capital, White-Collar Defense and Corporate Investigations, Workers' Compensation, Zoning.

20. Immigration Attorney Firm: Foley & Mahmood, P.C.    205-553-1270   10.52 miles
1630 4th Avenue, N., Suite 602, Birmingham, AL 35203
Practice Area: General Practice.

21. Immigration Attorney Firm: Maria Blanco Katz, P.C.    205-252-3434   10.52 miles
2117 Magnolia Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35205
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization.

22. Immigration Attorney Firm: Klari B. Tedrow    205-871-8084   10.52 miles
4 Office Park Circle, Suite 303, Birmingham, AL 35223
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization.

23. Immigration Attorney Firm: Shabani & Associates, P.C.    205-823-1223   10.52 miles
1318 Alford Avenue, Suite 202, Birmingham, AL 35226
Practice Area: Immigration Law, Deportation and Detention, Asylum, Labor Certification, Business and Investment Visa, Consular Practice, Work Authorization, Family Petition, NACARA, TPS, Family Law, Divorces, Auto Accident and Adoptions.

24. Immigration Attorney Firm: Balch & Bingham LLP    205-251-8100   10.52 miles
1710 Sixth Avenue North, P.O. Box 306, Birmingham, AL 35201-0306
Practice Area: General Practice, Corporation, Public Utilities, Banking, Public Finance, Taxation, Securities, Antitrust, Litigation, Labor and Employment, Probate, Real Estate, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Environmental, Bankruptcy, Legislative Practice, Mergers and Acquisitions, Health Care, International Business Transactions, Criminal, Education, Construction, Products Liability, Coal and Natural Gas, and Personal Injury Law. Trials in all Courts. Alternative Dispute Resolution.

25. Immigration Attorney Firm: Lehr Middlebrooks and Vreeland, P.C.    205-545-8371   10.52 miles
2021 Third Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35202-1945
Practice Area: Labor and Employment Law, Management, Labor Relations, Employment Discrimination, Retaliation, Wrongful Discharge, Wage and Hour, Occupational Safety and Health, Employer Benefits, Immigration, Public Sector Employment Law, Affirmative Action (OFCCP) and Workers' Compensation.

Our search egnine returns 25 Immigration Attorney Firms near Birmingham, AL, which are sorted by the distance in ascending order from the center of Birmingham, AL to the location of the firm. The distance is not driving distance or walking distance, but the straight distance on map, calculated using latitude and longitude. If the firms are located at the same city, the distance might returned as 0 miles.

For example, Immigration Attorney Foley & Mahmood, P.C. is located at 1630 4th Avenue, N., Suite 602, Birmingham, AL. Its map distance to the center of Birmingham, AL is 0 miles. Maria Blanco Katz, P.C. is located at 2117 Magnolia Avenue South, Birmingham, AL. Its map distance to the center of Birmingham, AL is 0 miles. Klari B. Tedrow is located at 4 Office Park Circle, Suite 303, Birmingham, AL. Its map distance to the center of Birmingham, AL is 0 miles.

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