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Wormser, Kiely, Galef & Jacobs LLP, Immigration Attorney
825 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022-7519
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1. Annie Wang
Title: Member
Law School: Columbia University, J.D., 1988
College: Northwestern University, B.A., 1981; Yale University, M.A., 1982
Admitted: Columbia University, J.D., 1988
Practice Area: Immigration
Membership: Association of the Bar of the City of New York (Chairperson, Committee on Immigration and Nationality Law, 1997-2000); New York State Bar Association; National Asian Pacific American Bar Association; Asian American Bar Association of New York; American Immigration Lawyers Association (Director, 2001—).

2. Donald Wolfson
Title: Member
Law School: University of Miami, J.D., 1976
College: Syracuse University, B.A., cum laude, 1972; Pi Sigma Alpha
Admitted: University of Miami, J.D., 1976
Practice Area: Administrative Law; Immigration
Membership: The Association of the Bar of the City of New York (Member, Committee on Immigration and Nationality Law, 1979-1983); New York State Bar Association; The Florida Bar; New York County Lawyers Association (Member, Committee on Immigration, Nationality and Naturalization, 1981-1990); American Immigration Lawyers Association (Chairperson, New York Chapter, 1988-1989; Committee Chair, 1995-1999); American Immigration Law Foundation (Member, Board of Trustees, 1992-1996).

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Wormser, Kiely, Galef & Jacobs LLP. The number of attorneys in Wormser, Kiely, Galef & Jacobs LLP is 36. Not all of the attorneys in Wormser, Kiely, Galef & Jacobs LLP are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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