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Vann Law Firm, P.C., Immigration Attorney
7326 Remcon Circle, El Paso, TX 79913-3250
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1. Elizabeth Janie Vann
Title: Member
Law School: University of Virginia, J.D., 1984
College: Auburn University, B.A., with highest honors, 1980; Université de Grenoble III, Certificat Pratique de Langue Française, 1980
Admitted: University of Virginia, J.D., 1984
Practice Area: Immigration and Nationality Law; International Trade; Customs Law; Business Law
Membership: El Paso and American (Member: International Law Section; Customs Law Committee; Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law Section) Bar Associations; State Bar of Texas (Member: International Law Section; Council of International Section, 1993-2001, Secretary/Treasurer, 1997-1998; Vice Chair, 1998-1999; Chair, 1999-2000; Standing Committee on Laws relating to Immigration and Nationality, 1991-1992; 1994-1997); State Bar of Georgia (Member: Agriculture, Business, Immigration, International, and Real Property Sections); Texas-Mexico Bar Association (now U.S.-Mexico Bar Association) (Founding Director, 1994-1995; Treasurer, 1996-1997; Vice Chair, 1998-1999; Chair, 2000-2001; Ex-Officio Director, 2002-2003); American Agricultural Law Association; American Immigration Lawyers' Association; West Texas/New Mexico Customs Brokers Association (Associate Member).

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Vann Law Firm, P.C.. The number of attorneys in Vann Law Firm, P.C. is 2. Not all of the attorneys in Vann Law Firm, P.C. are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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