Home > Immigration Attorney > Thomason, Hendrix, Harvey, Johnson & Mitchell

Thomason, Hendrix, Harvey, Johnson & Mitchell, Immigration Attorney
Twenty-Ninth Floor, One Commerce Square, 40 South Main, Memphis, TN 38103
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1. Rehim Babaoglu
Title: Member
Law School: University of Memphis, J.D., 1974
College: Rutgers University, B.A., 1969
Admitted: University of Memphis, J.D., 1974
Practice Area: Immigration/Deportation Law, Family & Business visas, Citizenship; Personal Injury
Membership: Memphis, Shelby County (Member, Discipline and Ethics Committee, 1977-1980; 1981, Fee Dispute Committee, Chairman) and American Bar Associations; American Immigration Lawyers Association.

2. Kemper Durand
Title: Member
Law School: University of Tennessee, J.D., 1963
College: Yale University, B.A., 1961
Admitted: University of Tennessee, J.D., 1963
Practice Area: Criminal Law; Immigration; Intellectual Property
Membership: Memphis, Tennessee and American Bar Associations; Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; American Inns of Court (Master)

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Thomason, Hendrix, Harvey, Johnson & Mitchell. The number of attorneys in Thomason, Hendrix, Harvey, Johnson & Mitchell is 30. Not all of the attorneys in Thomason, Hendrix, Harvey, Johnson & Mitchell are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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