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Rubin & Dornbaum, Immigration Attorney
Suite 1700, 744 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102
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1. Edwin Rubin
Title: Member
Law School: Villanova University, J.D., 1968
College: Pennsylvania State University, B.A., 1965
Admitted: Villanova University, J.D., 1968
Practice Area: Immigration
Membership: Essex County (Vice Chair, 1986-1988; 1992-1994; Chair, Immigration Committee, 1988-1991) and New Jersey State (Vice-Chairman, Immigration Section, 1976-1977, 1986-1991; Chairman, Immigration Section, 1977-1979) Bar Associations; New Jersey Immigration Policy Network, Inc. (Vice Chair, 2002—; Board of Trustees, 1996); American Immigration Lawyers Association (National President, 1990-1991; Member, Board of Governors, 1974-1976, 1980—; Chair, Philadelphia Chapter, 1974-1976; Chair, New Jersey Chapter, 1980-1982).

2. Neil Dornbaum
Title: Member
Law School: Temple University, J.D., 1981
College: Hunter College, B.A., 1978
Admitted: Temple University, J.D., 1981
Practice Area: Immigration
Membership: New Jersey State (Chair, Immigration, Naturalization and Americanism Section, 2000—) and American (Chair, Immigration Law Committee of the General Practice Section, 1996-1999) Bar Associations; American Immigration Lawyers Association (Chair, New Jersey Chapter, 1991-1993, 1995-1996).

3. Kathleen Peregoy
Title: Of Counsel
Law School: Temple University, J.D., 1983
College: Temple University, B.B.A., magna cum laude, 1980
Admitted: Temple University, J.D., 1983
Practice Area: Immigration
Membership: New Jersey State (Second Vice Chair, Immigration, Naturalization and Americanism Section, 2000) and Pennsylvania Bar Associations; New Jersey Federation of Business and Professional Women, Inc. (Chairperson, Education Council; President, Oranges Chapter, 1992-1994).

4. Abigail Walsh
Title: Associate
Law School: Temple University, J.D., 2000
College: University of Pennsylvania, B.A., 1997
Admitted: Temple University, J.D., 2000
Practice Area: Immigration

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Rubin & Dornbaum. The number of attorneys in Rubin & Dornbaum is 4. Not all of the attorneys in Rubin & Dornbaum are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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