Home > Immigration Attorney > Render Kamas, L.C.

Render Kamas, L.C., Immigration Attorney
345 Riverview, Suite 700, P.O. Box 700, Wichita, KS 67201
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1. Jessica Devader
Title: Associate
Law School: Washburn University of Topeka, J.D., 2002
College: Kansas State University, B.A., 1998
Admitted: Washburn University of Topeka, J.D., 2002
Practice Area: Immigration
Membership: Wichita and Kansas Bar Associations; Wichita Young Lawyers.

2. Carlos Nolla-Corretjer
Title: Of Counsel
Law School: University of Kansas, J.D., 1993
College: Wichita State University, B.A., Psychology, 1989
Admitted: University of Kansas, J.D., 1993
Practice Area: Immigration
Membership: American Bar Association; American Immigration Lawyers Association; Association of Trial Lawyers of American.

3. Jesse Garcia
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Missouri at Kansas City, J.D., 1999
College: University of Texas at Brownsville, B.B.A., 1996
Admitted: University of Missouri at Kansas City, J.D., 1999
Practice Area: Business Law; Immigration
Membership: Greater Kansas City, Wichita, Kansas and American Bar Associations; The Missouri Bar; Kansas City Hispanic Bar Association; National Hispanic Bar Association; Wichita Young Lawyers Association; American Immigration Lawyers Association.

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Render Kamas, L.C.. The number of attorneys in Render Kamas, L.C. is 9. Not all of the attorneys in Render Kamas, L.C. are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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