Home > Immigration Attorney > Reed Smith LLP

Reed Smith LLP, Immigration Attorney
435 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
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1. William Bevan III
Title: Partner
Law School: University of Kansas, J.D., 1970
College: Kansas State University, B.A., 1967
Admitted: University of Kansas, J.D., 1970
Practice Area: Immigration; Labor And Employment

2. Lisa Hernandez
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Pennsylvania, J.D., 2001
College: University of Pennsylvania, B.A., 1997
Admitted: University of Pennsylvania, J.D., 2001
Practice Area: Immigration; Labor And Employment

3. Mark Knapp
Title: Counsel
Law School: University of Pittsburgh, J.D., 1986
College: Carnegie Mellon University, B.A., 1982; Carnegie Mellon University, M.A., 1991
Admitted: University of Pittsburgh, J.D., 1986
Practice Area: Immigration; Labor And Employment

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Reed Smith LLP. The number of attorneys in Reed Smith LLP is 975. Not all of the attorneys in Reed Smith LLP are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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