Home > Immigration Attorney > Law Offices of Richard A. Gump, Jr., P.C.

Law Offices of Richard A. Gump, Jr., P.C., Immigration Attorney
One Galleria Tower, Suite 1940 13355 Noel Road, Lock Box 39, Dallas, TX 75240-6834
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1. Matthew Gross
Title: Associate
Law School: South Texas College of Law, J.D., 2008
College: University of Texas at Austin, B.A., Government, 2005
Admitted: South Texas College of Law, J.D., 2008
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization; Family Immigration Law; Employment; Labor Certifications; Worksite Compliance

2. Richard Gump
Title: Attorney
Law School: University of Texas, J.D., 1972
College: University of Texas, B.A., 1969
Admitted: University of Texas, J.D., 1972
Practice Area: Immigration Law; International Law
Membership: Dallas Bar Association (Member, Sections on: International Law; Real Property; Business Law), American (Member, Sections on: Business Law; Communications Law; International Law; Labor and Employment Law) and International Bar Associations; State Bar of Texas (Member, Sections on: Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law, Labor and Employment Law); American Immigration Lawyers Association.

3. Charla Truett
Title: Partner
Law School: Southern Methodist University, J.D., 1995
College: Texas Tech University, B.A., 1992
Admitted: Southern Methodist University, J.D., 1995
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization; Worksite Compliance; Employment; Family Immigration Law; Labor Certifications; Health Care
Membership: Dallas Bar Association; State Bar of Texas; American Immigration Lawyers Association.

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Law Offices of Richard A. Gump, Jr., P.C.. The number of attorneys in Law Offices of Richard A. Gump, Jr., P.C. is 3. Not all of the attorneys in Law Offices of Richard A. Gump, Jr., P.C. are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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