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Law Offices of K. Dean Kantaras, Immigration Attorney
3531 Alternate 19, Palm Harbor, FL 34683-1416
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1. O. George Bamis
Title: Associate
Law School: Barry University School of Law, J.D., 2005
College: University of Florida, B.S., 2002
Admitted: Barry University School of Law, J.D., 2005
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization; Family Law; Alimony; Annulment; Divorce; Divorce Mediation; Domestic Violence; Equitable Distribution; Family Mediation; Legal Separation Agreements; Marital Agreements; Marital Property Distribution; Marital Property Law; Marital Property Settlements; Name Changes; Paternity; Post Divorce Modification; Postnuptial Agreements; Premarital Agreements; Spousal Support; Uncontested Divorce; Asylum; Business Immigration; Citizenship; Deportation; Diplomatic Immunity; Employment Authorizations; Employment Immigration; Employment Visas; Family Immigration Law; Immigration Law; Labor Certifications; Permanent Visas; Political Asylum; Refugee Law; Religious Visas; Removal Proceedings; Visas
Membership: Florida Bar Association; Clearwater Bar Association Young Lawyers Division; American Immigration Lawyers Association.

2. K. Dean Kantaras
Title: Managing Partner
Law School: Oklahoma City University, J.D., 1992
College: University of South Florida, B.A.
Admitted: Oklahoma City University, J.D., 1992
Practice Area: Family Law(100%); Immigration Law; Alimony; Annulment; Divorce; Divorce Mediation; Domestic Violence; Equitable Distribution; Family Mediation; Interstate Support; Legal Separation Agreements; Marital Agreements; Marital Property Distribution; Marital Property Law; Marital Property Settlements; Name Changes; Paternity; Post Divorce Modification; Postnuptial Agreements; Premarital Agreements; Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs); Restraining Orders; Spousal Support; Uncontested Divorce
Membership: Clearwater Bar Association (Member, Family Law Committee); The Florida Bar (Member, Family Law Section: Technology Committee and CLE Committee); American Immigration lawyers Association (AILA); American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA); the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers; Master, Canakaris Inns of Court.

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Law Offices of K. Dean Kantaras. The number of attorneys in Law Offices of K. Dean Kantaras is 3. Not all of the attorneys in Law Offices of K. Dean Kantaras are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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