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Law Office of E. Diane Brody, Immigration Attorney
528 West 149th Street, Brooklyn, NY 10031
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Attorney Firm:Law Office of E. Diane Brody
Address:528 West 149th Street
Brooklyn, NY 10031
Attorney Phone:646-736-3563
Attorney Fax:347-584-1083
Web Site:
Practice Area:Divorce; Real Estate; Personal Injury; Accident; Immigration; Business; Landlord and Tenant Law; Affirmative Action; Appellate Practice; Civil Appeals; Business Associations Law; Business Law; Business Formation; Business Litigation; Business Torts; Small Business Law; Sole Proprietorships; Civil Practice; Federal Civil Practice; Civil Rights; Civil Liberties; Civil Rights Defense; Civil Rights Section 1983; Disabled Access; Disabled Rights; Discrimination; Gay and Lesbian Rights; Handicapped Rights; Human Rights; International Human Rights; Personal Rights; Public Interest Law; Race Discrimination; Reproductive Rights; Sex Discrimination; Womens Rights; Complex and Multi-District Litigation; Constitutional Law; Fifth Amendment Law; First Amendment Law; Fourth Amendment Law; Freedom of Information; Freedom of Religion; Media and First Amendment; Contracts; Breach of Contract; Commercial Contracts; Contract Fraud; Contract Litigation; Criminal Law; Criminal Appeals; Criminal Defense; Voting Rights; Election, Campaign and Political Law; Entertainment and the Arts; Art Law; Artists Rights; Cultural Property; Entertainment Contracts; Entertainment Law; Entertainment Liability; Entertainment Litigation; Entertainment Syndication; Interactive Multimedia Law; Motion Picture Production and; Motion Pictures and Television; Multimedia Law; Music Copyright; Museum Law; Music Law; Music Licensing; Music Publishing; Theater Law; Video Law; Family Law; Domestic Partners
Establish Year:
Attorneys in Firm:0

Law Office of E. Diane Brody is located at 528 West 149th Street Brooklyn, NY 10031. Its phone number is 646-736-3563.

Its practice areas include Divorce; Real Estate; Personal Injury; Accident; Immigration; Business; Landlord and Tenant Law; Affirmative Action; Appellate Practice; Civil Appeals; Business Associations Law; Business Law; Business Formation; Business Litigation; Business Torts; Small Business Law; Sole Proprietorships; Civil Practice; Federal Civil Practice; Civil Rights; Civil Liberties; Civil Rights Defense; Civil Rights Section 1983; Disabled Access; Disabled Rights; Discrimination; Gay and Lesbian Rights; Handicapped Rights; Human Rights; International Human Rights; Personal Rights; Public Interest Law; Race Discrimination; Reproductive Rights; Sex Discrimination; Womens Rights; Complex and Multi-District Litigation; Constitutional Law; Fifth Amendment Law; First Amendment Law; Fourth Amendment Law; Freedom of Information; Freedom of Religion; Media and First Amendment; Contracts; Breach of Contract; Commercial Contracts; Contract Fraud; Contract Litigation; Criminal Law; Criminal Appeals; Criminal Defense; Voting Rights; Election, Campaign and Political Law; Entertainment and the Arts; Art Law; Artists Rights; Cultural Property; Entertainment Contracts; Entertainment Law; Entertainment Liability; Entertainment Litigation; Entertainment Syndication; Interactive Multimedia Law; Motion Picture Production and; Motion Pictures and Television; Multimedia Law; Music Copyright; Museum Law; Music Law; Music Licensing; Music Publishing; Theater Law; Video Law; Family Law; Domestic Partners The number of attorneys at Law Office of E. Diane Brody is 0. There are over 7,000 immigration attorneys in United States. We suggest you contact other immigration attorney firms nearby before making any decisions.

During your evaluation process, you should consider whether the immigration attorneys at Law Office of E. Diane Brody are members of American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), how much they charge for the services, what's the fee schedule, if there is any hidden attorney fee, whether they have good community reputation and are able to provide a list of good references. You can also contact the Board of Professional Responsibility of the state bar, to find out if the immigration attorneys at Law Office of E. Diane Brody have ever been placed under any disciplinary actions. If there is any such disciplinary action, avoid using their services. Please be aware that, though Law Office of E. Diane Brody's office is located at Brooklyn, NY, the attorneys might belong to the bar association of other states.

Focus of Lawyer's Practice and Years Practice are also very important factors in your evaluation process. The more focused the lawyers' practice areas, the better service they could provide. Length of practice, however, can be both positive and negative for an immigration attorney. So do not make decisions solely on one or two factors. .

If you already have used Law Office of E. Diane Brody's services or have been in contact with them before, we strongly encourage you to write a review of Law Office of E. Diane Brody. This will be very helpful to other people.

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