Home > Immigration Attorney > Immigration Law Offices of Jamie B. Naini

Immigration Law Offices of Jamie B. Naini, Immigration Attorney
, Memphis,
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1. Jamie Naini
Title: Member
Law School: University of Memphis, J.D., 2003
College: Lipscomb University, B.A., 1998
Admitted: University of Memphis, J.D., 2003
Practice Area: Immigration; Visas; Citizenship

2. Tina Gaines
Title: Associate
Law School: University of Memphis School of Law, J.D., 2000
College: University of Southern Mississippi, B.S., 1986
Admitted: University of Memphis School of Law, J.D., 2000
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization; Litigator before Federal Immigration Courts; Deportation and Removal Defense; Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Visa Petitions

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Immigration Law Offices of Jamie B. Naini. The number of attorneys in Immigration Law Offices of Jamie B. Naini is 0. This is a one attorney firm and the only attorney in the firm is practicing immigration law.

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