Home > Immigration Attorney > Goswami, Strand and Seaborn

Goswami, Strand and Seaborn, Immigration Attorney
870 Market Street, Suite 1028, San Francisco, CA 94104
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1. David Strand
Title: Member
Law School: Case Western Reserve University, J.D., 1968
College: Harvard University, A.B., 1965
Admitted: Case Western Reserve University, J.D., 1968
Practice Area: Immigration Law
Membership: American Immigration Lawyers Association; Amnesty International.

2. Linda Seaborn
Title: Member
Law School: George Mason University School of Law, J.D.
College: University of Virginia, B.A.
Admitted: George Mason University School of Law, J.D.
Practice Area: Immigration and Nationality

3. Virender Kumar Goswami
Title: Member
Law School: Delhi University, LL.B., 1981; University of San Diego, M.C.L., 1988
College: Delhi University, B.A., honors in economics, 1978
Admitted: Delhi University, LL.B., 1981; University of San Diego, M.C.L., 1988
Practice Area: Immigration Law
Membership: Bar Association of San Francisco.

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Goswami, Strand and Seaborn. The number of attorneys in Goswami, Strand and Seaborn is 3. Not all of the attorneys in Goswami, Strand and Seaborn are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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