Home > Immigration Attorney > Goodsill Anderson Quinn and Stifel

Goodsill Anderson Quinn and Stifel, Immigration Attorney
Alii Place, Suite 1800 1099 Alakea Street, Honolulu, HI 96813-4500
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1. Go Kobayashi
Title: Associate
Law School: Tulane University Law School, J.D., 2007
College: Aoyama Gakuin University, B.A., 2002
Admitted: Tulane University Law School, J.D., 2007
Practice Area: Real Estate(40%); Immigration and Naturalization(30%); Corporate Law(30%)

2. Peter Kashiwa
Title: Partner
Law School: Willamette University, J.D., 1979
College: University of Hawaii and University of Washington, B.A., 1976
Admitted: Willamette University, J.D., 1979
Practice Area: Business; Corporate; Real Estate; Immigration
Membership: American Bar Association; American Immigration Lawyers Association.

3. Alan Fujimoto
Title: Partner
Law School: University of California School of Law, Davis, J.D., 1984
College: University of Hawaii, B.A., 1975
Admitted: University of California School of Law, Davis, J.D., 1984
Practice Area: Real Estate; International Trade; Business Law; Immigration and Naturalization

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Goodsill Anderson Quinn and Stifel. The number of attorneys in Goodsill Anderson Quinn and Stifel is 69. Not all of the attorneys in Goodsill Anderson Quinn and Stifel are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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