Rate and Review E. J. Montanez

- - 4/12/2011 11:52:09 PM encontrar este abogado en tu camino y contratarlo es lo peor que te puede pasar mejor regalale el dinero porqu te quedaras en la carcel para siempre es el pero abogado , sus servicios son mediocres es un inecto mala suerte para cualquiera que se encuentre con este tipo a el solo le interesa el dinero de la jente el no leinteresa defender al cliente ya que tiene el dinero en sus manos te deja que te las arregles como puedas es rudo y grosero nada profesional y definitivamente no le importa defender al cliente ESTE EL ABOGADO E J. MONTANEZ DE MARINA DEL REY CA

Good Attorney -
- - 4/20/2011 1:38:09 PMI had a good experience with Mr. Montanez. He resolved an immigration issue for a friend of mine. After inquiring with a few other Attorneys, I hired him because his charges were very little compared to the others,and I didn't have alot of money at the time. I found himto be professional, kind and was always prompt in returning our calls.

Nicest Lawyer Ever! -
- - 2/16/2012 9:09:21 AMWhen I have called Mr. Montanez sometimes he is in between Courts or on the road, not in his office where is files are, so yes, he might not remember me right away, but at least he answers his calls. Hiring an attorney is like finding a Doctor, the reason you go is because you need someone who does know more than you. When they start talking in the professional speak, yes it might sound like they are talking down to you. I think people have a bad attiude towards attorney's before they even talk to one. I found Mr. Montanez to be quite helpful, polite and always available, but most of all, his fees are minimal to what what others charge. I was very happy to get what I got for the price I paid.

Biggest Jerk Ever -
- - 12/8/2011 12:07:20 AMI called him to ask about the status of my family member's case. He was rude and didnt even remember the case. He talks down to you thinking he is better than you simply because he is a lawyer. When you ask him a clarfying question he gets annoyed and makes you feel stupid for even asking the question. He is unclear about his fees and in the end will drop your case if you do not give him more money. Very unprofessional and rude and builds no candor with his clients.

Do NOT hire this man! -
- 2012 dd - 7/10/2012 3:20:20 PMVery disappointed with this lawyer! its true he does not have any real interest in the client. His real interest is getting money. Infact one of the few calls we ever recieved from him was to ask about his money not to let us know how the case was going. He is a lier. When we refused to keep paying him, thats when he showed his true colors! He is rude, and unethical! if you dont believe me... look him up in the calbar web site. check his disiplinary record! Big Regret hiring this man. its true he is cheaper that other lawyers.
"You get what you pay" cheap!