Home > Immigration Attorney > Dunbar Harder, PLLC

Dunbar Harder, PLLC, Immigration Attorney
, Houston,
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1. April Thompson
Title: Associate
Law School:
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization
Membership: State Bar of Texas; American Immigration Lawyers Association.

2. Amy Donnelly Ashby
Title: Associate
Law School: South Texas College of Law, J.D., 2006
College: University of Houston, B.A., History, 2003
Admitted: South Texas College of Law, J.D., 2006
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization

3. Kenneth Harder
Title: Member
Law School: University of Houston (J.D., 1985; LL.M., 1995)
College: State University of New York at Buffalo, B.A., cum laude, 1981
Admitted: University of Houston (J.D., 1985; LL.M., 1995)
Practice Area: Immigration and Nationality Law; Business Immigration; Employment Immigration; Visas; Citizenship; Employment Authorizations; Labor Certifications
Membership: Houston Bar Association (Chair, International Law Section, 1993-1994); State Bar of Texas (Chair, International Law Section, 2001-2002); American Immigration Lawyers Association.

4. Terry Weir
Title: Associate
Law School: Texas Southern University, J.D., 1996
College: University of Houston, B.S., Psychology, 1987
Admitted: Texas Southern University, J.D., 1996
Practice Area: Immigration and Nationality Law
Membership: Houston and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Texas; American Immigration Lawyers Association.

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Dunbar Harder, PLLC. The number of attorneys in Dunbar Harder, PLLC is 0. This is a one attorney firm and the only attorney in the firm is practicing immigration law.

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