Home > Immigration Attorney > Davis, Brown, Koehn, Shors and Roberts, P.C.

Davis, Brown, Koehn, Shors and Roberts, P.C., Immigration Attorney
The Davis Brown Tower 215 10th Street, Suite 1300, Des Moines, IA 50309-3993
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1. Nikki Miras Mordini
Title: Shareholder
Law School: Drake University Law School, 2004
College: Grinnell College, 1996
Admitted: Drake University Law School, 2004
Practice Area: Family Law and Domestic Relations; Immigration; Juvenile Law; Litigation and Appeals

2. Lori Chesser
Title: Senior Shareholder
Law School: University of Georgia School of Law, 1987
College: Western Illinois University, 1984
Admitted: University of Georgia School of Law, 1987
Practice Area: Immigration

3. Ann Naffier
Title: Associate
Law School: Drake University Law School, 2011
College: University of Iowa, 1988
Admitted: Drake University Law School, 2011
Practice Area: Immigration

4. Amy Landwehr
Title: Shareholder
Law School: University of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, 2001
College: University of Central Florida, 1996
Admitted: University of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, 2001
Practice Area: Immigration

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Davis, Brown, Koehn, Shors and Roberts, P.C.. The number of attorneys in Davis, Brown, Koehn, Shors and Roberts, P.C. is 76. Not all of the attorneys in Davis, Brown, Koehn, Shors and Roberts, P.C. are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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