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DC Contracting Group, Immigration Attorney
P.O. Box 372, Crystal Springs, FL 33524
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1. Carolyn Dragseth
Title: Managing Member
Law School: Loyola University School of Law, J.D., 1993
College: University of Colorado at Boulder, B.A., International Relations with Specialization in Latin-American, 1990; Kaplan University, M.B.A., 2011
Admitted: Loyola University School of Law, J.D., 1993
Practice Area: Practice Areas: Government Contracting, Business Law and Business Management, Entrepreneur Growth Strategies, Vetreprenuer Business Analysis, Project Management, Certified Proposal Writer, Construction/Agriculture. It is my objective to be an invaluable resource in increasing government contracting goals for my clients (Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Corporate Leaders, and Sales Professionals) achieve their objectives. As an SDVOSB and WOSB myself, I know that starting and owning a business is challenging and I love mentoring other women veterans as they work to achieve their goals. I love building things both actually and metaphorically. The greatest goals require collaboration and I try to meet people and be a part of organizations that assist me in achieving my contracting goals. I would love to network with you! ? Add me via LinkedIn and/or contact me at ? Experience in: International Law; Mediation; Commercial Law; Government Contracting; Business Formation; Business Litigation; Business Start-Ups; Finance; International Trade; International Commercial Transactions; Corporate Law; Contracts; Distribution Agreements; Education Law; International Distribution; Business Combinations; Investment Banking; International Banking Law; International Civil Law; International Collections; International Business Law; International Sale of Goods; International Contracts; Corporate Formation; Corporate Foreign Sales; International Energy Law; International Family Law; International Commercial Finance; Employment Immigration; General Liability; International Licensing Education: Loyola University School of Law, New Orleans (J.D., 1993); Masters of Business Administration, Kaplan University (MBA, 2013); University of Colorado, Boulder (B.A., International Relations with Specialization in Latinamerica, 1990); Admitted: 1993, Louisiana; In House Counsel, Florida (2014)
Membership: Louisiana State Bar Association (Previous Member, Sections on: Alternative Dispute Resolution; Corporate and Business Law; International Law; Minority Involvement); American Bar Association; International Bar Association (Member: Public and Professional Interest Division; Multi-Disciplinary Practices Division); Southwest Louisiana State Bar Association (Member, Young Lawyers Section); Southwest Louisiana Young Lawyers Association (Founder; Past President).

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of DC Contracting Group. The number of attorneys in DC Contracting Group is 1. This is a one attorney firm and the only attorney in the firm is practicing immigration law.

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