Home > Immigration Attorney > Cox Smith Matthews Incorporated

Cox Smith Matthews Incorporated, Immigration Attorney
112 East Pecan Street, Suite 1800, San Antonio, TX 78205-1521
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1. L. Edward Rios
Title: Shareholder
Law School: Boston University, J.D., 1997
College: Harvard University, A.B., 1992
Admitted: Boston University, J.D., 1997
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization

2. Lisa Rios Donaldson
Title: Associate
Law School: Columbia University, J.D., 1999
College: Boston University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1996
Admitted: Columbia University, J.D., 1999
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization

3. Kathleen Campbell Walker
Title: Shareholder
Law School: University of Texas at Austin, J.D., 1985
College: Texas Tech University, B.A., with highest honors, 1982
Admitted: University of Texas at Austin, J.D., 1985
Practice Area: Immigration and Naturalization; International Law

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Cox Smith Matthews Incorporated. The number of attorneys in Cox Smith Matthews Incorporated is 131. Not all of the attorneys in Cox Smith Matthews Incorporated are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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