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Cohen and Grigsby, P.C., Immigration Attorney
27200 Riverview Center Boulevard Suite 309, Bonita Springs, FL 34134
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1. Henry Cohen
Title: Director
Law School: Cornell University, J.D., 1971
College: Miami University, B.S., 1967
Admitted: Cornell University, J.D., 1971
Practice Area: International Business Law; International Taxation; Estate Planning; Immigration Law
Membership: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Member, Federal Taxation Committee, 1983?).

2. Hugh Nevin
Title: Director
Law School: Harvard University, J.D., cum laude, 1974
College: Harvard University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1968; Freie Universitat, Berlin
Admitted: Harvard University, J.D., cum laude, 1974
Practice Area: International Business Law; Business Taxation; Estate Planning; Immigration Law

3. John Lyncheski
Title: Director
Law School: University of Pittsburgh, J.D., cum laude, 1970
College: Cornell University, B.A., 1967
Admitted: University of Pittsburgh, J.D., cum laude, 1970
Practice Area: International Business Law; International Taxation; Estate Planning; Immigration Law
Membership: The Florida Bar (Labor Law Section); American Health Lawyers Association (Chair, Labor and Employment Practice Group); American College of Health Care Administrators; Industrial Relations Research Association (Board Member, Western Pennsylvania Chapter); AHA American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration; AHA American Society for Healthcare Risk Management.

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Cohen and Grigsby, P.C.. The number of attorneys in Cohen and Grigsby, P.C. is 121. Not all of the attorneys in Cohen and Grigsby, P.C. are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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