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Black Helterline LLP, Immigration Attorney
1900 Fox Tower, 805 S.W. Broadway, Portland, OR 97205-3359
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1. Kelly Tilden
Title: Associate
Law School: Willamette University College of Law, J.D., 2001
College: Universite Paris-Sorbonne, 1992; Muhlenberg College, A.B., 1993
Admitted: Willamette University College of Law, J.D., 2001
Practice Area: Commercial Law; Immigration; Labor And Employment; Zoning, Planning And Land Use
Membership: Multnomah and American Bar Associations; Oregon State Bar.

2. Robert Donaldson
Title: Member
Law School: Willamette University, J.D., 1974
College: Oregon State University, B.S., 1968
Admitted: Willamette University, J.D., 1974
Practice Area: Corporate Law; Immigration; International Law
Membership: American Immigration Lawyers Association (Chapter Chair, 1986-1988).

3. Paul Hribernick
Title: Member
Law School: University of Oregon, J.D., 1980
College: University of Oregon, B.S., 1977
Admitted: University of Oregon, J.D., 1980
Practice Area: Environmental Law; Immigration; Real Estate; Zoning, Planning And Land Use
Membership: Oregon State Bar; American Immigration Lawyers Association (Member, Board of Governors, 1992-1994).

4. David Newhall
Title: Member
Law School: Northwestern School of Law, J.D., 1986
College: Occidental College, B.A., 1979; Lewis and Clark College
Admitted: Northwestern School of Law, J.D., 1986
Practice Area: Immigration
Membership: Oregon State Bar; American Bar Association; American Immigration Lawyers Association (Member, Nebraska Service Center Liaison Committee, 2003—; Oregon Chapter Chairman, 1998-2000; Member, National Board of Governors, 1998-2000).

The above table lists immigration attorneys at the attorney firm of Black Helterline LLP. The number of attorneys in Black Helterline LLP is 20. Not all of the attorneys in Black Helterline LLP are immigration attorneys, and we only list the attorneys that are practicing immigration law.

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