Home > Immigration Attorney > Quincy Shang

Quincy Shang, Immigration Attorney
3166 Chestnut Drive Connector, Suite 201, Atlanta, GA 30340
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- Scam Lawyer! - - Atlanta - 2/13/2012 3:46:15 PM
Please, never give your money to this lawyer. he will take it and file your case with the immigration. but he won't follow up and when you call his office there's never anybody to answer. He took my $500 for interview and didn't even show up. Then, i hired another attorney (The siskin firm). They needed to get some information from him about my file. after turning us around, he finally told us that he lost my file. Can you believe it? What kind of lawyer doesn't keep his clients' files organized? I also had 3 friends who went through the same nightmare with him. we all had issues getting our green cards. We had to hire another attorney after wasting bunch of money with Shang!!! Please, never use!!!! you'll regret it!!!

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