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Mathew Tully, Immigration Attorney
441 New Karner Road, Albany, NY 12205
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Attorney Firm:Tully Rinckey, PLLC - Your Lawyers for Life
Attorney Name:Mathew Tully
Address:441 New Karner Road
Albany, NY 12205
Attorney Phone:518-218-7100
Attorney Fax:518-218-0496
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Attorney Title:Founding Partner
Practice Areas:Civil Rights; Consumer; Consumer Fraud; Unsafe Products; Warranties; Criminal; DWI; Drug Crimes; Traffic Violations; Disability Discrimination; Discrimination; Sexual Harassment; Social Security; Workmen's Compensation; Wrongful Termination; Entertainment; Family; Adoptions; Child Custody; Child Support; Divorce; Domestic Violence; Visitation Rights; General Practice; Health; Elder Care; Medical Malpractice; Nursing Home Abuse; Personal Injury; Automobile Accidents; Dog Bites; Legal Malpractice; Sexual Abuse; Slip and Fall; Wrongful Death; Eminent Domain; Landlord and Tenant; Trusts and Estates; Asset Planning; Estate Planning; Guardianship; Wills; Probate; Banking; Finance; Bankruptcy; Business Enterprises; Closely Held Business; Corporations; Franchises; Limited Liability Company Law; Partnerships; Small Business; Buying and Selling of Businesses; Debtor and Creditor; Collections; Creditors Rights; Employment; Employee Benefits; Employee Contracts; Human Resources; Immigration; OSHA Compliance; General Business; Business Planning; Contracts; Insurance; Real Estate; Buy-Sell Agreements; Commercial Leasing; Construction; Environmental; Zoning; Land Use; Business Start-Ups; Strategic Alliances; Joint Venture; Mergers
College:Hofstra University, B.A., 1995
Law School:Brooklyn Law School, J.D., 2002
Immigration Attorney Mathew Tully, graduated from Hofstra University, B.A., 1995 Brooklyn Law School, J.D., 2002, is now working for Tully Rinckey, PLLC - Your Lawyers for Life at 441 New Karner Road Albany, NY 12205. The attorney is a member of New York State and American Bar Associations.. We suggest you contact other immigration attorneys nearby before making the very expensive decision.

Mathew Tully is one of the more than 7,000 immigration attorneys in United States. Before choosing Mathew Tully as your immigration attorney, you should consider whether Mathew Tully is a member of American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), how much he or she charges for the services, if there is any hidden attorney fee, what's the fee schedule, whether he or she has good community reputation and is able to provide a list of good references. You can also contact the Board of Professional Responsibility of the state bar, to find out if Mathew Tully has ever been placed under any disciplinary actions. If there is any such disciplinary action, avoid using his or her services. Please be aware that, though Mathew Tully's office is located at Albany, NY, he or she might belong to the bar association of other states.

Focus of Lawyer's Practice and Years Practice are also very important factors in your evaluation process. The more focused the lawyer's practice areas, the better service he or she could provide. Length of practice, however, can be both positive and negative for an immigration attorney. So do not make decisions solely on one or two factors. Mathew Tully has been admitted in 2003, New York, U.S. District Court, Eastern, Northern and Southern Districts of New York and U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit; U.S. Court of Appeals, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, Eleventh, District of Columbia and Federal Circuits, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, U.S. Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals and U.S. Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals. His or her practice areas include Civil Rights; Consumer; Consumer Fraud; Unsafe Products; Warranties; Criminal; DWI; Drug Crimes; Traffic Violations; Disability Discrimination; Discrimination; Sexual Harassment; Social Security; Workmen's Compensation; Wrongful Termination; Entertainment; Family; Adoptions; Child Custody; Child Support; Divorce; Domestic Violence; Visitation Rights; General Practice; Health; Elder Care; Medical Malpractice; Nursing Home Abuse; Personal Injury; Automobile Accidents; Dog Bites; Legal Malpractice; Sexual Abuse; Slip and Fall; Wrongful Death; Eminent Domain; Landlord and Tenant; Trusts and Estates; Asset Planning; Estate Planning; Guardianship; Wills; Probate; Banking; Finance; Bankruptcy; Business Enterprises; Closely Held Business; Corporations; Franchises; Limited Liability Company Law; Partnerships; Small Business; Buying and Selling of Businesses; Debtor and Creditor; Collections; Creditors Rights; Employment; Employee Benefits; Employee Contracts; Human Resources; Immigration; OSHA Compliance; General Business; Business Planning; Contracts; Insurance; Real Estate; Buy-Sell Agreements; Commercial Leasing; Construction; Environmental; Zoning; Land Use; Business Start-Ups; Strategic Alliances; Joint Venture; Mergers.

Mathew Tully's college education includes Hofstra University, B.A., 1995, law school degree was from Brooklyn Law School, J.D., 2002, other biographical background includes New York State Real Estate Broker. Named to Business Review 40 Under Forty. Recipient: Leadership Award, National Business Advisory Council; Republican of the Year Award, 2006; Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Award for Excellence; Iraqi Campaign Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Armed Forces Reserve Medal; National Defense Service Medal. Certified: Police General Topics Instructor, New York State Division of Criminal Justices Services; Police Firearms Instructor, New York State Division of Criminal Justices Services. General Counsel, Emerald Society of Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. Formerly with: United States Department of Justice; Morgan Stanley Law and Compliance Division. Member: Green County Chamber of Commerce; Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; National Business Advisory Council; Ancient Order of Hibernians; Fraternal Order of Police; Honorable Order of St. Barbara; Knights of Columbus; Knights of Pythias. Appointed Member, New York State Juvenile Justice Advisory Group. Lifetime Member: Association of the U.S. Army; National Rifle Association; Reserve Officers Association; Veterans of Foreign Wars..

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