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Manuela Policicchio, Immigration Attorney
29566 Northwestern Hwy, Southfield, MI 48034
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Attorney Firm:Palmer Rey
Attorney Name:Manuela Policicchio
Address:29566 Northwestern Hwy
Southfield, MI 48034
Attorney Phone:248.522.9500
Attorney Fax:248.522.9455
Attorney Email:manuela(at)
Attorney Title:Immigration Attorney
Practice Areas:Full-Service immigration law firm
Immigration Attorney Manuela Policicchio, graduated from WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY, DETROIT Juris Doctor, 2007, is now working for Palmer Rey at 29566 Northwestern Hwy Southfield, MI 48034. The attorney is a member of . We suggest you contact other immigration attorneys nearby before making the very expensive decision.

Manuela Policicchio is one of the more than 7,000 immigration attorneys in United States. Before choosing Manuela Policicchio as your immigration attorney, you should consider whether Manuela Policicchio is a member of American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), how much he or she charges for the services, if there is any hidden attorney fee, what's the fee schedule, whether he or she has good community reputation and is able to provide a list of good references. You can also contact the Board of Professional Responsibility of the state bar, to find out if Manuela Policicchio has ever been placed under any disciplinary actions. If there is any such disciplinary action, avoid using his or her services. Please be aware that, though Manuela Policicchio's office is located at Southfield, MI, he or she might belong to the bar association of other states.

Focus of Lawyer's Practice and Years Practice are also very important factors in your evaluation process. The more focused the lawyer's practice areas, the better service he or she could provide. Length of practice, however, can be both positive and negative for an immigration attorney. So do not make decisions solely on one or two factors. Manuela Policicchio has been admitted in . His or her practice areas include Full-Service immigration law firm.

Manuela Policicchio's college education includes , law school degree was from WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY, DETROIT Juris Doctor, 2007, other biographical background includes Manuela has been a licensed attorney practicing exclusively immigration law since 2007. Her experience with the issues immigrants face is much more extensive and deep-rooted than this. She remembers vividly what it was like starting school at a young age and not speaking or understanding English. Her passion, honesty and integrity as an attorney and her experience as a first-generation American is what make her an advocate for her clients. She has a strong reputation for not taking advantage of her clients and instead providing them with honest, concise and straightforward information about their individual cases. Manuela is a hard-working, thoughtful and energetic individual who understands the significance of individuals’ immigration concerns and works hard to find legal solutions for her clients. Manuela ran her own boutique immigration law firm, MDP Immigration Law, for nearly ten years. She has extensive experience with both family-based immigration and removal defense. On the family-based immigration side, Manuela focuses on family petitions, adjustment of status in the United States, consular processing abroad, affirmative asylum applications, U visas for victims of crimes, VAWA, citizenship, and deferred action for childhood arrivals. Manuela also successfully represents clients through the waiver process and has a very high approval rate for all I-601 waivers of inadmissibility and I-601A provisional unlawful presence waivers she has filed on behalf of her clients. On the removal side, Manuela represents all individuals before immigration judges, whether detained or not. She has extensive experience helping clients apply for various forms of relief before the Immigration Court such as: cancellation of removal for both lawful permanent residents and non-permanent residents, asylum and withholding of removal, waivers in court, I-751s in proceedings, and adjustment of status. She has successfully litigated many 42A cancellation of removal for lawful permanent resident cases, where lawful permanent residents are facing removal due to various criminal issues. Manuela will not only be your immigration attorney, but will be your counselor throughout your immigration case. She has an enormous amount of enthusiasm for the practice of immigration law and a strong desire to assist her clients fairly and effectively..

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