Rate and Review Layne Barney

- Changed my life - for the worst - 10/7/2015 7:11:35 PMI trusted Layne Barney and he failed me. He said he was "intrigued" by my malpractice dental case. Let me start by saying a dentist at Apple dental (Dr. Paik) butchered my mouth, he caused thousands of dollars in damage that had to be repaired. I went to another dentist and spent thousands of dollars more to have his work redone and all the teeth he left "hot" had to have root canals. After this dentist told me what a mess he made of my mouth Dr. Paik called her office and threatened her for her critique. Dr. Paik lied to me and took very poor records that did not show all the times I had to go back to the office to stop bleeding or get more antibiotics for the infections he caused. He burned my mouth with chemicals, he dropped my misfitted crowns he made and stuck them into my mouth without washing them, he tried to force them in when they did not fit, and he blamed the company that made them. He once told me that he didn't have the pleasure of "knocking me out" and he was so unprofessional and ignorant to his work. After I realized that Paik was a horrible excuse for a dentist I went to another that was recommended to me by a coworker. I even have records from this dentist (Dr. Chen) stating that he butchered my mouth and performed work far less than the minimal standards. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN AN OPEN AND SHUT CASE.
Layne Barney was in over his head, he dragged his feet and he did not file on time, he did not get an expert dentist on time, HE SIMPLY DID NOT KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING. After spending every last dime on tooth repairs, I left the state and had no choice but to trust Layne Barney to get justice for me. I paid him several hundred dollars, and he never called me, I always had to call him, he missed court dates, I had to tell him (from watching the courts on the internet) what he missed! HE HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS GOING ON as if he didn't care about me or my case.
At one point he said he was "sick" and would have another lawyer contact me. That never happened. At another point he said he was looking for someone to advise him. When he asked me for money for the expert dentist I was stupid enough to send it to him. I was SO sure that I had an open and shut very easy case with evidence from another dentist that stated he did a substandard job. Layne Barney did NOT want to involve that dentist, he changed my case from what it was: my mouth was butchered: to something stupid like going after him for not informing me of what he was doing. Dr. Paik butchered my mouth, cost me tons of money, ruined my career there, ruined my first year in the city there, and forced me to have to move back to Michigan broke and not left whole.
Layne Barney should have NEVER accepted my case so I could have went to an attorney who had some expertise on this case...Layne Barney clearly had none. He is a clown, a drunk driving or immigration lawyer, is not experienced enough to handle a big case. He is the reason the wrong, the suffering, the horrible misfortune of ruined teeth that I will have to live with forever, will not see justice done. My case has been dismissed with prejudice and I found that out from the internet, I called Layne twice but he did not respond.
When I finally reached “Lame” Barney he wanted me to add up bills and do the work he should have done. This being said, it is my opinion that Layne Barney is a back-alley lawyer who is as smart as a rock. I could have done a better job of my case myself. Do not place your fate in this man, he WILL let you down, he is a lousy lawyer, he is LAZY and not too smart. Don't waste your money or place your hope in him because I guarantee you will be disappointed.

can not be trusted -
- - 4/22/2013 4:34:43 PMMr. Barney can not be trusted. If you use him make sure you get everything in writeing because he will lie to you.