Home > Immigration Attorney > Joan Forrester

Joan Forrester, Immigration Attorney
145-11 Jamaica Avenue, Second Floor, Jamaica, NY 11435
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  4. Immigration Attorneys Nearby
David BlivenJamaica, NY0M
Joseph ObioraJamaica, NY0M
Joseph LedwidgeJamaica, NY0M
Toria DixonJamaica, NY0M
Janet FashakinRichmond Hill, NY1.71M
Monica AhmadForest Hills, NY3.1M
Naresh GehiForest Hills, NY3.1M
Zenith TaylorForest Hills, NY3.1M
Yves-Merry TelemaqueCambria Heights, NY3.33M
Vivia JosephCambria Heights, NY3.33M
Alma MandijaRidgewood, NY3.79M
Garen MkrtchianRego Park, NY3.96M

The above table lists immigration attorneys near the attorney office of Joan Forrester, sorted by distance. The distance is not walking distance or driving distance. It is the direct line distance on map calculated by longitude and latitude. The longitude and latitude are usually the center point of the city or zip code, not the exact location of the attorney office. So if two immigration attorneys locate in the same city or zip code, the distance between them might be reported as zero.

For example, David Bliven is located at 90-50 Parsons Boulevard, Suite 401C Jamaica, NY, 0 miles away from Joan Forrester. Joseph Ledwidge is located at 17026 Cedarcroft Road Jamaica, NY, 0 miles away from Joan Forrester. Janet Fashakin is located at 105-22 Jamaica Avenue Richmond Hill, NY, 1.71 miles away from Joan Forrester. Naresh Gehi is located at 118-21 Queens Blvd, Suite 409 Forest Hills, NY, 3.1 miles away from Joan Forrester. Yves-Merry Telemaque is located at 225-07 Linden Boulevard Cambria Heights, NY, 3.33 miles away from Joan Forrester. Alma Mandija is located at 66-57 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY, 3.79 miles away from Joan Forrester.

If the above table does not have your attorney office listed or any immigration attorneys you believe should be listed, please Contact Us to Add Immigration Attorney.

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