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Jeffrey Park, Immigration Attorney
95 South Market Street, Suite 530, San Jose, CA 95113
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Attorney Firm:Jeffrey C. Park
Attorney Name:Jeffrey Park
Address:95 South Market Street, Suite 530
San Jose, CA 95113
Attorney Phone:408-993-9577
Attorney Fax:408-881-0456
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Attorney Title:Attorney
Practice Areas:Labor and Employment; Wrongful Termination; Employment Rights; Discrimination; Contracts; Business Litigation; Sexual Harassment; Wage and Hour Law; Noncompete Litigation; Retaliatory Discharge; Breach of Contract; Construction Litigation; Mediation; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Collaborative Law; International Dispute Resolution; International Mediation; Business Law; Business Arbitration; Business Development; Business Enterprises; Business Mediation; Business Organization; Business Planning; Business Formation; Business Start-Ups; Business Transactions; Small Business Law; Sole Proprietorships; Civil Practice; Civil Rights; Race Discrimination; Sex Discrimination; Womens Rights; Contract Litigation; Construction Law; Construction Labor Law; Construction Mediation; Immigration and Naturalization; Citizenship; Business Immigration; Employment Authorizations; Employment Immigration; Employment Visas; Family Immigration Law; Immigration Law; Investor Visas; Labor Certifications; Permanent Visas; Visas; Age Discrimination in Employment; Confidentiality Agreements; Covenants Not To Compete; Employee Discipline; Employee Rights; Employee Privacy; Employee Leasing; Employee Drug Testing; Employer Intentional Torts; Employer Liability; Employer Rights; Employment Arbitration; Employment at Will; Employment Breach of Contract; Employment Civil Rights; Employment Claims; Employment Contracts; Employment Defense; Employment Disability Discrimination; Employment Discrimina
College:University of Santa Clara, B.S., 1975
Law School:University of Santa Clara Law School, J.D., 1990
Immigration Attorney Jeffrey Park, graduated from University of Santa Clara, B.S., 1975 University of Santa Clara Law School, J.D., 1990, is now working for Jeffrey C. Park at 95 South Market Street, Suite 530 San Jose, CA 95113. The attorney is a member of State Bar of California.. We suggest you contact other immigration attorneys nearby before making the very expensive decision.

Jeffrey Park is one of the more than 7,000 immigration attorneys in United States. Before choosing Jeffrey Park as your immigration attorney, you should consider whether Jeffrey Park is a member of American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), how much he or she charges for the services, if there is any hidden attorney fee, what's the fee schedule, whether he or she has good community reputation and is able to provide a list of good references. You can also contact the Board of Professional Responsibility of the state bar, to find out if Jeffrey Park has ever been placed under any disciplinary actions. If there is any such disciplinary action, avoid using his or her services. Please be aware that, though Jeffrey Park's office is located at San Jose, CA, he or she might belong to the bar association of other states.

Focus of Lawyer's Practice and Years Practice are also very important factors in your evaluation process. The more focused the lawyer's practice areas, the better service he or she could provide. Length of practice, however, can be both positive and negative for an immigration attorney. So do not make decisions solely on one or two factors. Jeffrey Park has been admitted in 1990, California, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California and U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit; 1991, U.S. District Court, Central District of California. His or her practice areas include Labor and Employment; Wrongful Termination; Employment Rights; Discrimination; Contracts; Business Litigation; Sexual Harassment; Wage and Hour Law; Noncompete Litigation; Retaliatory Discharge; Breach of Contract; Construction Litigation; Mediation; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Collaborative Law; International Dispute Resolution; International Mediation; Business Law; Business Arbitration; Business Development; Business Enterprises; Business Mediation; Business Organization; Business Planning; Business Formation; Business Start-Ups; Business Transactions; Small Business Law; Sole Proprietorships; Civil Practice; Civil Rights; Race Discrimination; Sex Discrimination; Womens Rights; Contract Litigation; Construction Law; Construction Labor Law; Construction Mediation; Immigration and Naturalization; Citizenship; Business Immigration; Employment Authorizations; Employment Immigration; Employment Visas; Family Immigration Law; Immigration Law; Investor Visas; Labor Certifications; Permanent Visas; Visas; Age Discrimination in Employment; Confidentiality Agreements; Covenants Not To Compete; Employee Discipline; Employee Rights; Employee Privacy; Employee Leasing; Employee Drug Testing; Employer Intentional Torts; Employer Liability; Employer Rights; Employment Arbitration; Employment at Will; Employment Breach of Contract; Employment Civil Rights; Employment Claims; Employment Contracts; Employment Defense; Employment Disability Discrimination; Employment Discrimina.

Jeffrey Park's college education includes University of Santa Clara, B.S., 1975, law school degree was from University of Santa Clara Law School, J.D., 1990, other biographical background includes Presentations: Webinar - 3/09 Optimize Results with Mediation, presented to California Association of Business Brokers (CABB) members. Article - 9/08 Mediate Your Dispute for Optimum Results, CABB Newsletter Presentation - 7/08 Mediation in the Resolving Business Sales Disputes - presented to CABB members. Presentation - 6/07 The Art of the Settlement, National Business Institute, Inc., panelist on negotiation and mediation. Presentation - 5/06 The Anatomy of a Successful Mediation, Santa Clara County Bar Association, Panelist and Moderator. Presentation - "Mediation Training," Global Majority Symposium, Monterey School of Law and Monterey Institute of International Studies, speaker, May 2005. Presentation - "Conflict Resolution," San Jose Chamber of Commerce BRN, speaker, January 2005. Presentation - "Conflict Resolution in Law," San Jose State University, guest speaker, February 2004. Presentation - "Mediation Training" through Santa Clara County Office of Human Relations, Dispute Resolution Training Institute for Equal Opportunity Officer-Liaisons for Santa Clara County, Instructor/Coach, December 2003. Presentation - "Mediation," You and the Law television program, half an hour presentation, October, 2003. Presentation - "EEOC and DFEH Mediation," Santa Clara County Bar Association, Moderator, May 2002. Presentation - "Negotiation," Santa Clara County Office of Human Relations Dispute Resolution Training Institute, Co-presenter, January 2002. Presentation - "Med.

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