David Fletcher, Immigration Attorney 541 East Monroe Street, Suite 2, Jacksonville, FL 32202 - Profile
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- Immigration Attorneys Nearby
| Melissa Dearing | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | Rebecca Black | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | Lena Korial-Yonan | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | Lena Korial-Yonan, Esq. | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | Vanessa Zamora | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | R. Taylor Speer | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | Alma Defillo | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | Richard Ruth Jr. | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | Jose Moreno | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | Jeffrey Watson | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | Robert Devine | Jacksonville, FL | 0M | David Fletcher | Jacksonville, FL | 0M |
| The above table lists immigration attorneys near the attorney office of David Fletcher, sorted by distance. The distance is not walking distance or driving distance. It is the direct line distance on map calculated by longitude and latitude. The longitude and latitude are usually the center point of the city or zip code, not the exact location of the attorney office. So if two immigration attorneys locate in the same city or zip code, the distance between them might be reported as zero.
For example, Melissa Dearing is located at 50 North Laura Street, Suite 2800 Jacksonville, FL, 0 miles away from David Fletcher. Lena Korial-Yonan is located at 9425 Craven Road, Suite 5 Jacksonville, FL, 0 miles away from David Fletcher. Vanessa Zamora is located at 6279 Dupont Station Court Jacksonville, FL, 0 miles away from David Fletcher. Alma Defillo is located at Lord of The Nations Bldg. 1 660 Park Street Jacksonville, FL, 0 miles away from David Fletcher. Jose Moreno is located at The Morris Building 2064 Park Street Jacksonville, FL, 0 miles away from David Fletcher. Robert Devine is located at 800 West Monroe Street Jacksonville, FL, 0 miles away from David Fletcher.
If the above table does not have your attorney office listed or any immigration attorneys you believe should be listed, please Contact Us to Add Immigration Attorney. |