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Carl Anderson, III, Immigration Attorney
5383 South 900 East, Suite 205, Salt Lake City, UT 84117
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Attorney Firm:
Attorney Name:Carl Anderson, III
Address:5383 South 900 East, Suite 205
Salt Lake City, UT 84117
Attorney Phone:801-747-0477
Attorney Fax:801-285-0303
Attorney Email:
Attorney Title:Of Counsel
Practice Areas:Criminal Law(1500); DUI/DWI(750); Bankruptcy Chapter 7; Bankruptcy Chapter 13; Family Law; Immigration Law; Assault and Battery; Burglary; Capital Offenses; Criminal Appeals; Criminal Conspiracy; Criminal Defense; Criminal Fraud; Criminal Investigation; Death Penalty; Criminal Prosecution; Drivers License Suspension; Driving While Intoxicated; Electronic Surveillance; Expungements; Extortion; Extradition; Felonies; Forgery; Habeas Corpus; Hit and Run; Homicide; Mail Fraud; Malicious Prosecution; Manslaughter; Misdemeanors; Murder; Money Laundering; Parole and Probation; Search and Seizure; Sex Crimes; Sexual Assault; Shoplifting; Stalking; Theft; Traffic Violations; Vehicular Homicide; Weapons Charges; Alimony; Annulment; Cohabitation Agreements; Community Property Law; Divorce; Domestic Partnerships; Domestic Torts; Domestic Relations; Domestic Violence; Equitable Distribution; Legal Separation Agreements; Marital Agreements; Marital Property Distribution; Marital Property Law; Marital Property Settlements; Matrimonial Bankruptcy Law; Matrimonial Law; Name Changes; No Fault Divorce; Palimony; Paternity; Post Divorce Modification; Postnuptial Agreements; Premarital Agreements; Spousal Support; Restraining Orders; Uncontested Divorce; Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs); Bankruptcy; Bankruptcy Collections; Bankruptcy Fraud; Bankruptcy Litigation; Consumer Bankruptcy; Debt Relief; Debtor Bankruptcy; Foreclosures; Insolvency; Personal Bankruptcy; Pre-Bankruptcy
Law School:University of Nebraska at Lincoln, J.D., 2007
Immigration Attorney Carl Anderson, III, graduated from University of Nebraska at Lincoln, J.D., 2007, is now working for at 5383 South 900 East, Suite 205 Salt Lake City, UT 84117. The attorney is a member of Nebraska State Bar; Utah State Bar.. We suggest you contact other immigration attorneys nearby before making the very expensive decision.

Carl Anderson, III is one of the more than 7,000 immigration attorneys in United States. Before choosing Carl Anderson, III as your immigration attorney, you should consider whether Carl Anderson, III is a member of American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), how much he or she charges for the services, if there is any hidden attorney fee, what's the fee schedule, whether he or she has good community reputation and is able to provide a list of good references. You can also contact the Board of Professional Responsibility of the state bar, to find out if Carl Anderson, III has ever been placed under any disciplinary actions. If there is any such disciplinary action, avoid using his or her services. Please be aware that, though Carl Anderson, III's office is located at Salt Lake City, UT, he or she might belong to the bar association of other states.

Focus of Lawyer's Practice and Years Practice are also very important factors in your evaluation process. The more focused the lawyer's practice areas, the better service he or she could provide. Length of practice, however, can be both positive and negative for an immigration attorney. So do not make decisions solely on one or two factors. Carl Anderson, III has been admitted in 2007, Colorado; 2008, Nebraska; 2012, Utah. His or her practice areas include Criminal Law(1500); DUI/DWI(750); Bankruptcy Chapter 7; Bankruptcy Chapter 13; Family Law; Immigration Law; Assault and Battery; Burglary; Capital Offenses; Criminal Appeals; Criminal Conspiracy; Criminal Defense; Criminal Fraud; Criminal Investigation; Death Penalty; Criminal Prosecution; Drivers License Suspension; Driving While Intoxicated; Electronic Surveillance; Expungements; Extortion; Extradition; Felonies; Forgery; Habeas Corpus; Hit and Run; Homicide; Mail Fraud; Malicious Prosecution; Manslaughter; Misdemeanors; Murder; Money Laundering; Parole and Probation; Search and Seizure; Sex Crimes; Sexual Assault; Shoplifting; Stalking; Theft; Traffic Violations; Vehicular Homicide; Weapons Charges; Alimony; Annulment; Cohabitation Agreements; Community Property Law; Divorce; Domestic Partnerships; Domestic Torts; Domestic Relations; Domestic Violence; Equitable Distribution; Legal Separation Agreements; Marital Agreements; Marital Property Distribution; Marital Property Law; Marital Property Settlements; Matrimonial Bankruptcy Law; Matrimonial Law; Name Changes; No Fault Divorce; Palimony; Paternity; Post Divorce Modification; Postnuptial Agreements; Premarital Agreements; Spousal Support; Restraining Orders; Uncontested Divorce; Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs); Bankruptcy; Bankruptcy Collections; Bankruptcy Fraud; Bankruptcy Litigation; Consumer Bankruptcy; Debt Relief; Debtor Bankruptcy; Foreclosures; Insolvency; Personal Bankruptcy; Pre-Bankruptcy.

Carl Anderson, III's college education includes , law school degree was from University of Nebraska at Lincoln, J.D., 2007, other biographical background includes I am an experienced litigator. Born and raised in Layton, Utah. I attended Weber State University, majoring in Psychology, and then later the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, where I obtained my J.D. In law school I found my passion for litigation and excelled in trial advocacy obtaining the highest grade in trial ad and the CALI award in advanced trial advocacy. In addition, I successfully completed the Litigation Skills Program of Concentrated study, with a criminal emphasis. During my law school, I participated in the criminal clinic winning my first bench trial as a third year law student. I use my love of litigation, my understanding of courtroom decorum, my knowledge of trial advocacy, my attention to detail and commitment to excellence, and most importantly my unique experience and training to ensure that all of my clients, from bankruptcy, to divorce, to criminal law, get the best possible result. I am a father of five and I speak fluent Spanish. I am licensed in Colorado, Nebraska, and Utah. I am a member of National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers..

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