Stouffville, Ontario, Canada
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Looking For: Biomedical Engineering Intern, Healthcare Intern
Occupation: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: High School Or Below
Career Level: Qualified
Languages: English, Mandarin, a bit of French
Highlights:Has worked in a pharmaceutical production and healthcare industry as shown in the resume. Have 2 years of project and experience related to designing biomedical devices and 1 year of synthetic biology creating a feasible methylmercury converting bacteria. Have aided a colleague in their dental pilot study publication during the second year of university.
Skills:Flexible, Familiar in Medical Terminology, Team player, Fast Learner, Innovative, Detail-oriented, Takes Initiative
Goal:To become a general surgeon or create biomedical devices and tissue engineering.
Certification:Expired: Life License Qualification Program, Standard First Aid, CPR C, Infection Control Current: Biosafety Training, WHMIS, Accident and Falls Safety Training, SafeTALK, Workplace Safety Training, Good Manufacturing Practice
Honor:Awarded Entrance Honors for 90% above Awarded Prinicpal's List and Honor Roll from Grade 9-12 at Stouffville District S.S (SDSS) Awarded Grade 11 Entrepreneurship top of the class with a Grade final of 100% (SDSS) Graduated as part of the Specialist High Skills Major Program in the Health and Wellness Sector (SDSS) Team Awarded 3rd in Biology for the York Region Science Olympics
Stouffville District Secondary School 09/2015 - 06/2019
Stouffville, Ontario, Canada
Degree: High School Or Below
Major:Health and Wellness Sector
-Part of the Specialist High Skills Major Program
-Graduated with a 4.0 GPA
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