Home > Candidates > Amir Abdurahman
Amir Abdurahman


Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Email: xxx@xxxx.xxx

  • Looking For: Software Engineer, Software Developer

  • Occupation: IT and Math

  • Degree: Bachelor's Degree

  • Career Level: Fully Competent

  • Languages: English, Arabic, Amharic

Career Information:

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Highlights:Experienced in making a user friendly webappp

Skills:webapp development, database, cyber security

Goal:I set my goal to be the best in my profession of software engineering. to be able to provide the community with the best and helpful application.

Membership:construction association /Construction management system

Certification:BSC degree in software engineering, digital africa from google,HCNA from Huawei, NCR remote installation, NCR fraud preventi

Honor:NCR remote installation


card personalization, monitoring tool, ICAM Section manager 10/2019 - current
Moti Engineering, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Ethiopia
Industry: Moti engineering Plc
i have worked at this position for about 5 years straight, and i have gained a vast amount of experience in ATM and its functionality along with production of visa card for almost all banks in Ethiopia


Wolkite University 11/2008 - 07/2011
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major:Software Engineering
i had a great 4 years of educational journey at wokite university, i can say that i have learned a lot of things in school and in life, i went there as a boy and came out as a man with great deal of knowledge.

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More About Amir Abdurahman
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  • Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
  • Email:xxx@xxxx.xxx
  • Visa: -
  • Work Authorization: -
  • Expected Salary: -
  • Intests & Hobbies: -