marietta, GA, US
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Looking For: Accountancy And Human Resource Mangement, Teaching, Administration
Occupation: Management
Degree: Doctoral Degree
Career Level: Fully Competent
Languages: english , hindi , gujarati
Highlights:have worked in education filed teaching commerce and managment at graduation and post graduation courses. Major subjects taught are accountancy and management.
Skills:commerce, teaching, lecturer, professor, management
Goal:providing service in education , finance and public welfare
Membership:Indian Accounting Association,Gujarat Area Accounting association
Certification:MBA (HR), m Com (Cost Accounting), Doctoral (Human Resources Management), Master of Philosophy ( Commerce)
senior lecturer 06/15/2005 - current
Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat India
Working as Senior Lecturer teaching Accountancy and Management .Specialised in Human Resource Management/
swati Doctor