Home > Visa Reports > H-1B Visa Reports > Law Firm > Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen, & Loewy Llp

Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen, & Loewy Llp: 2025 H-1B Report by Law Firm

Top Employers, Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen, & Loewy Llp Salaries, Job Opportunities & Sponsorship Trends

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

RankH1B Visa Sponsor(Employer)Number of LCA *Average Salary
1Ford Motor542 $143,472
2Capital One Services265 $173,908
3Rivian Automotive228 $151,141
4Tmobile139 $153,537
5Capital One, National Association134 $150,377
6Cox Automotive, Corporate Services99 $150,969
7Hitachi Energy Usa44 $130,592
8ABB41 $124,557
9Manhattan Associates38 $136,291
10Ford Motor Credit33 $148,126
11Jabil27 $119,077
12Latitude Ai23 $214,821
13Cci Corporate Services23 $147,018
14Volvo Group North America21 $121,384
15Rivian20 $170,948
16Netapp16 $162,044
17Fisher Asset Management16 $156,314
18Volvo Car Usa15 $147,710
19Kimberlyclark Usa12 $121,855
20Centene Management10 $109,761
21Rheem Sales7 $157,650
22Warnermedia Services7 $149,959
23Dynamic Map Platform North America7 $114,322
24Hl Mando America7 $78,893
25Abb Installation Products6 $121,194
26Mack Trucks6 $118,604
27Federal Home Loan Bank Of Topeka5 $112,672
28Bunge Oils5 $75,680
29The Scotts4 $137,346
30Delek Us Energy4 $136,670
31Cona Services4 $118,064
32Abb E-Mobility4 $117,361
33Trinet3 $224,236
34The Life Center Complex3 $187,419
35Law Offices Of Yohan Lee, Apc3 $152,367
36Dana Automotive Systems Group3 $145,673
37The North Highland3 $135,530
38Federal Home Loan Bank Of Atlanta3 $103,864
39Current Fleet2 $300,000
40Rapidscale2 $159,091
41Mercury Insurance Services2 $156,671
42Stockx2 $154,375
43Industrial Connections And Solutions2 $152,175
44Alon Usa Gp2 $145,034
45Cox Corporate Services2 $138,000
46Dana2 $137,044
47Delek Us Holidings1 $400,000
48Fyusion1 $279,694
49Xaipient1 $220,000
50Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton1 $205,000
51Wendys International1 $201,116
52Mudrick Capital Management1 $200,000
53Cscs1 $193,524
54St Engineering Idirect1 $186,262
55Symbotic1 $179,755
56Turner Services1 $172,678
57Bunge Loders Croklaan Usa1 $155,000
58Github1 $148,000
59Pi Innovo1 $147,751
60Revenue Analytics1 $147,658
61Wilsonart1 $144,354
62Gridunity1 $141,440
63Winrock International Institute For Agricultural Development1 $141,000
64Recor Medical1 $134,112
65Vfs1 $125,600
66Micronics Engineered Filtration Group1 $121,448
67Kasalis1 $120,729
68Diageo Americas Supply1 $116,550
69Equitrust Life Insurance1 $113,300
70Mahle Industries1 $112,478
71Geodigital International1 $110,302
72Volvo Financial Services1 $106,850
73Liebel-Flarsheim1 $106,582
74Bnp Paribas1 $95,000
75Hz Ii1 $85,000
76Malibu Boats1 $82,000
77Rws Life Sciences1 $81,165
78Hazel Technologies1 $79,123
79Interior Design Media Group1 $75,000
80Los Angeles County Natural History Museum Foundation1 $58,721

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

The above report lists the top 1 - 200 H1B Visa sponsors(fragomen, del rey, bernsen, & loewy llp) in fiscal year 2024). For Example, the first record on this report means that Ford Motor filed 542 Labor Condition Applications(LCA) for H1B Visa in fiscal year 2024. The average salary of those job offerss is $143,472. The number and average salary are not for all H1B Visa jobs filed by Ford Motor in fiscal year 2024. They are for fragomen, del rey, bernsen, & loewy llp jobs only.

The visa sponsors(employers) are sorted by the number of Labor Condition Application(LCA) submitted. The number includes new, renew and transfer of LCA.

If two employers have filed same number of visa petitions in the same year and same category, they are further sorted by the average salary in descending order.

The salary is the average salary of all proffered salary on LCA or Form 9035. Sometimes the visa sponsors(employers) does not enter a specific salary, but a salary range. Our algorithm uses the middle point of the range to calculate the average salary.

*: The number of LCA includes renewed, transferred and cap-exempt LCA. Department of Labor(DOL) typically certifies more than 3 times the number of foreign work requests than the number of H-1B visas issued by USCIS.

A new LCA is needed if the foreigner worker changes his or her work location(even within the same state and same company), because the prevailing wage of the position depends on geographic location. However, if the new location is within the same Metropolitan Statistical Area or normal commuting distance, no new LCA is needed.