Software Engineer: 2025 H-1B Report by Job Title

Top Employers, Software Engineer Salaries, Job Opportunities & Sponsorship Trends

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

RankH1B Visa Sponsor(Employer)Number of LCA *Average Salary
1Google4,856 $178,907
2Meta Platforms2,395 $198,760
3Microsoft2,322 $164,181
4Intel653 $154,662
5Mphasis593 $119,852
6Nvidia245 $215,101
7Doordash173 $194,501
8Natsoft118 $117,164
9Cisco111 $171,374
10Netflix109 $260,758
11Waymo108 $195,537
12Skilltune Technologies107 $95,819
13US Bank National Association103 $127,418
14Concentrix Cvg Customer Management Group98 $120,933
15Juniper Networks96 $147,992
16Linkedin92 $164,588
17Servicenow92 $137,882
18Tech Mahindra79 $112,881
19IBM78 $130,750
20Atos Syntel78 $87,553
21Satin Solutions77 $100,122
22Intraedge75 $102,446
23Miracle Software75 $99,507
24Uber73 $159,041
25Databricks70 $164,909
26Synapsis69 $98,397
27Qualcomm66 $125,401
28Stripe65 $165,741
29Docusign63 $167,415
30Mitchellmartin60 $145,800
31Arista Networks60 $137,127
32Ford Motor59 $137,953
33Jpmorgan Chase58 $134,479
34Bytedance57 $178,621
35Block56 $197,899
36Gp Technologies56 $93,598
37Cgi Technologies And Solutions55 $118,610
38Zoox52 $198,829
39Bloomberg52 $193,733
40The Mathworks52 $138,005
41Msrcosmos52 $121,596
42Hitachi Digital Services52 $101,638
43Dropbox51 $204,654
44Windycity Technologies49 $93,205
45Ixl Learning48 $120,104
46Lowes Companies48 $112,572
47Intuit46 $145,825
48Robinhood Markets45 $179,932
49Tiktok44 $177,987
50Infovision44 $108,826
51Openlogix44 $98,265
52Ultimus Solutions43 $93,303
53Innovative Consulting Solutions40 $98,066
54Splunk39 $168,637
55Nike39 $159,772
56Indeed38 $147,825
57Meghaz38 $99,189
58Mongodb37 $140,826
59Srs Consulting37 $106,865
60Lyft36 $166,535
61Eficens Systems36 $103,076
62Vibrant Infotech35 $102,193
63Salesforce34 $161,162
64Vistaltech34 $100,244
65Numeric Technologies34 $97,744
66Speridian Technologies33 $117,625
67Verily Life Sciences32 $168,656
68Gm Software Consulting32 $105,359
69Elite Tech Info32 $97,087
70Saransh32 $95,513
71Encloud Services31 $102,405
72Safe Code Soft Technologies31 $101,918
73Sudhi Infomatics31 $98,195
74American Business Solutions31 $94,094
75Qualtrics30 $158,017
76Singular Analysts30 $86,587
77Bahwan Cybertek30 $80,592
78O3 Technology Solutions30 $75,244
79Snowflake27 $183,459
80Kla27 $151,273
81Optum Services27 $125,280
82California Dental Association27 $104,222
83Citadel Enterprise Americas Services26 $263,462
84Rubrik26 $171,301
85Techpro Solutions26 $73,500
86Nuro25 $187,438
87Ecommquest25 $130,000
88Comtec Consultants25 $116,698
89Sigma Software25 $101,569
90Dataquest25 $99,883
91Cloud Big Data Technologies25 $99,371
92Strategic Systems25 $85,304
93Wise Gen25 $84,128
94Ecera System24 $139,917
95Visys Cloud Technologies24 $91,967
96Racedog Ltd.24 $90,908
97Primitive Partners24 $77,957
98Moon Thai Group23 $122,193
99Caterpillar23 $112,764
100Two Sigma Solutions22 $208,727
101Zoom Video Communications22 $143,545
102Vcloud Technology Group22 $94,801
103Sidram Technologies22 $88,818
104Devu Solutions22 $82,636
105Citadel Securities Americas Services21 $233,333
106Applied Intuition21 $180,413
107Forthright Soft21 $115,919
108Tekvana21 $102,433
109Neni Techsystems21 $98,117
110Medhaz21 $97,166
111Yerralpha21 $90,222
112Robotic Process Automation21 $86,268
113Brightfonts21 $83,226
114Eviden21 $78,419
115Asana20 $213,875
116Sk Hynix Nand Product Solutions20 $159,190
117Red Hat20 $122,399
118General Motors20 $116,361
119System Soft Technologies20 $110,122
120Hstechnologies20 $105,243
121Adaequare20 $103,862
122Blockchain Technologies20 $94,432
1233d Technologies20 $94,276
124Artifint Technologies20 $93,945
125Siri Consultancy Service20 $86,878
126Narveetech20 $85,038
127Softworld Technologies20 $81,690
128Yelp19 $194,816
129Angi19 $152,895
130Confluent19 $148,256
131Systems Technology Group19 $114,982
132Dtel19 $106,635
133Xylo Consulting19 $105,579
134Fusion Global Solutions19 $101,782
135Petadigit19 $79,184
136Coinbase18 $160,638
137Cbre18 $112,481
138Info Services18 $105,297
139Ambright Tech18 $102,110
140American It Solutions18 $100,594
141Tecra Systems18 $96,866
142Machine Learning Technologies18 $88,887
143Lacework17 $206,529
144Mpg Operations17 $153,399
145Omsai Com17 $134,577
146Candent Solutions17 $124,647
147Maantic17 $123,588
148Quadrant Resource17 $122,203
149Intellect Business Solutions17 $116,152
150Nisum Technologies17 $115,885
151Elxi Technologies17 $101,346
152Motorola Solutions17 $100,736
153Saipsit17 $99,941
154One Algorithm17 $99,007
155Visionet Systems17 $96,296
156Sstech17 $95,080
157Quest It Solutions17 $92,399
158Zilpin Tech17 $92,205
159Nyc Gravitynet17 $88,556
160Sri Tech Solutions17 $83,109
161International Business Technologies17 $81,370
162NexusIT17 $72,087
163Thumbtack16 $208,245
164Airbnb16 $176,053
165Weride16 $162,610
166Box16 $145,340
167Caspex16 $122,594
168Apex200016 $111,506
169Sapphire Software Solutions16 $110,281
170Itech16 $109,454
171It Innovative Solutions Corps.16 $107,961
172Rapidit16 $102,696
173Elite Exceed16 $102,541
174R Systems16 $102,175
175Dracs Consulting Group16 $101,898
176Appodis16 $98,242
1773amigosit16 $94,444
178Brains Technology Solutions16 $93,014
179Automation Technologies16 $87,027
180Epitomsoft16 $80,163
181Siemens Industry Software15 $113,458
182Triesten Technologies15 $106,700
183Hcl Global Systems15 $104,580
184Rocket Mortgage15 $102,433
185Cotiviti15 $102,239
186Nexus Infotech15 $101,192
187Galaxe.Solutions15 $101,109
188Krdl15 $100,918
189Machine Intelligence Technologies15 $98,751
190Hexaware Technologies15 $90,531
191Enrich Technology15 $82,480
192Aspirantspro It Solutions15 $80,000
193Logicroute15 $79,255
194Reliable It Group15 $72,133
195Ilogic15 $66,261
196Wall Street Consulting Services15 $52,923
197Notion Labs14 $205,357
198Gusto14 $199,759
199Applied Materials14 $175,385
200Wayfair14 $169,889

Category: All | Job Title | Occupation | Law Firm | Attorney | Industry | Work City | Work State | Application Status

The above report lists the top 1 - 200 H1B Visa sponsors(software-engineer) in fiscal year 2024). For Example, the first record on this report means that Google filed 4,856 Labor Condition Applications(LCA) for H1B Visa in fiscal year 2024. The average salary of those job offerss is $178,907. The number and average salary are not for all H1B Visa jobs filed by Google in fiscal year 2024. They are for software-engineer jobs only.

The visa sponsors(employers) are sorted by the number of Labor Condition Application(LCA) submitted. The number includes new, renew and transfer of LCA.

If two employers have filed same number of visa petitions in the same year and same category, they are further sorted by the average salary in descending order.

The salary is the average salary of all proffered salary on LCA or Form 9035. Sometimes the visa sponsors(employers) does not enter a specific salary, but a salary range. Our algorithm uses the middle point of the range to calculate the average salary.

*: The number of LCA includes renewed, transferred and cap-exempt LCA. Department of Labor(DOL) typically certifies more than 3 times the number of foreign work requests than the number of H-1B visas issued by USCIS.

A new LCA is needed if the foreigner worker changes his or her work location(even within the same state and same company), because the prevailing wage of the position depends on geographic location. However, if the new location is within the same Metropolitan Statistical Area or normal commuting distance, no new LCA is needed.