mexico df mexico df, Mexico
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Looking For: get experience and skills ,,
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance
Degree: Professional Degree
Career Level: Experienced
Languages: spanish, english
Skills:strong,fast,responsable ,tall,honest, team work
loader 6/2008 - 12/2008
central abastos, mexico, df Mexico
Industry: food
loader at sector of food , and meals , like a efficent loader ,
6 months as a loader at insustry of meals and food , charging trucks and vehicles for exportation , skills neccesaries at job; strengh ,fast, work team, responsability, lead,focus..--
security guard 10/2008 - 5/2009
hotel plaza inn, mexico, Mexico
Industry: hotel
security guard at important hotel
experienced at security guard at hotel , skills i needed , inteligence,self defense, , strengh ,fast moves, responsability ,honesty, etc--
cashier 3/ 2008 - 9/2008
bancomer, mexico , df Mexico
Industry: bank
cashier at bank , 7 months
as student at carrer of counting i decided to work at a bank for some months to get some experience learn skills , and developement my habilities--
universidad del valle de mexico 04/2007 - current
mexico df, df, Mexico
Degree: Professional Degree
Major:high school ,
student at private university